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Friends, Mew gets a Matthew tattoo and the web criticizes her: her response

The school desks of Friends Of Maria De Filippi they often have the power to give birth not only to great talents but also to loves destined to mark the lives of the protagonists and this seems to be the case with Mew and Matthew. The two artists are back in the limelight on social media after the singer’s choice to tattoo her partner’s name on her arm.

Mew’s tattoo sparks haters

Getting a tattoo of the name of an important person in your life is perhaps one of the most symbolic gestures you can do. This must certainly have been what pushed it Mew to write the name of Matthew on the skin. A romantic and significant gesture which however managed to attract unpleasant comments from the social media world linked to the protagonists of Friends Of Maria De Filippi. According to some users, in fact, getting a similar tattoo means “condemning” your relationship to end. An irony that the singer decided not to overlook by responding in kind to those who wanted to criticize her choice of her. “Matthew has literally saved my life in multiple situations. he’s not just my boyfriend, he’s my best friend and he’s someone I’ll be forever grateful to regardless of how our love story goes. You know nothing and you never will“. In this case it is therefore clear that his choice is dictated by love and deep feelings.

Matthew’s choice to abandon Friends for the love of his girlfriend

Mew And Matthewas well as for their singing skills, they got noticed in the latest edition of Friends for the choice to leave the Canale 5 talent show together. The first to make this painful decision was the singer driven by the need to deal with her depression. Her partner therefore, precisely to be by her side in such a difficult moment, also decided to leave the talent show. A risky choice but one that proved successful from both a professional and private point of view. In fact, the two not only continue their career surrounded by the affection of many fans but also their relationship seems to be going swimmingly. The couple announced during an episode of very true guests of Silvia Toffaninof having moved in together and the tattoo of Mew it seems like yet another proof of the deep feeling that, regardless of how it ends up between them, sees them linked.

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