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On Netflix, a TV series that mixes thrillers and family secrets, a noir with great suspense.

Discover the review and watch this TV series on Netflix, a family drama with obvious noir and thriller tones that moves by quickly.

Lovers of the series in streaming of imprint thrillerthey can find on Netflix a title from a few years ago but still very current due to its fame. It is an American series created by Todd A. Kessler, Glenn Kessler and Daniel Zelman for the platform and produced by Sony Pictures Television with a strong visual impact.

Its title is “Bloodlines”, composed of a total of 33 episodes lasting approximately one hour each. The main protagonist is a very well-known face on television, Kyle Chandler (“Latest from heaven”, “Friday Night Lights”), for which performance he received his fourth career Emmy. Near him, Ben Mendelsohn (“Animal Kingdom”), Linda Cardellini (“ER – Doctors on the front line“) And Norbert Leo Butz (best known for Broadway shows like “Rent”).

The percentage of users of Google who liked this series on Netflix is ​​equal to 72%, while on the aggregator site of Rotten Tomatoes reviews is 62% and finally up IMDb the public rating is 7.9 out of 10. A sort of family drama with obvious noir overtones that passes by quickly, involving the viewer who will want to continue watching it as if it were a very long film.

What immediately stands out from the narrative point of view is its non-linear structure, but instead full of flashbacks and flashforwards. During the story, in fact, several leaps into the past of the protagonist family are presented, especially on dark events useful for better understanding the progress of the plot and the sensations felt by the characters. Added to this are leaps forward as if to make people understand what the future prospects could be, fueling the level of emotional tension even more.

And an excellent demonstration of this is already the trailer also available on Youtube, which leaves ample space for curiosity. The performances and the entire staging were very good to create a strong empathy in the audience at home, as well as very positive opinions also regarding the dialogues, which were intelligent and engaging.

At the center of the story, the family, the past that leaves no escape, the choices and the inevitable consequences. An original Netflix serial production that hits the mark in most cases and deserves a viewing by those who love the genre.

Moving on to plot, we have the Rayburn family, very well known and prominent in the Florida Keys. The head of the family Robert with his wife Sally has created a magnificent resort which has contributed to making the place even more fascinating. On the occasion of the celebration for the 45th anniversary of the birth of their resort, the family reunites. In addition to their closest friends and acquaintances, their children John, Meg and Kevin are also present.

But the atmosphere of celebration and serenity is destined to end following the arrival of Danny, the eldest son and the black sheep of the house, who has decided to return.

Together with him, dark events and secrets from the past will also come to light. The mother is the only one who shows greater happiness in seeing her son again, who ran away precisely because of those events. While the other brothers and the father remain very doubtful and frightened by this bolt from the blue.

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