Petra defends Feliciano and is ready to leave the estate!

Petra defends Feliciano and is ready to leave the estate!
Petra defends Feliciano and is ready to leave the estate!

In the episode of La Promessa aired on July 3, 2024 on Canale5 Petra will take all the blame for Diego’s kidnapping. Let’s discover together the Anticipations and the Plots of the episode of the Soap.

In the episode of The promise on air the July 3, 2024at ore 15.45 are Canale5, Petra will come forward for protect Feliciano from Pia. The Previews dell’episode from the Soap they reveal to us that the waitress will convince Cruz to accept That let her pay for the Kidnapping of Diegopreventing Pia from reporting her brother to the Guardia Civil. The Marquise gives Petra the security of her support and to make her more serene she will leave her excellent references to find a new job. Salvador meanwhile he is preparing to remove the eye patch in front of Lope and Maria, anxiously waiting to know if the operation was successful. Mauro kissed Teresa but she will freeze him and tell him to don’t be in love with him but with Feliciano. Ramona will reread the letter from Dolores and will choose to do some very important revelations a Jana e Curro. She will then ask Jana to come to her with her brother the next day. Mercedes to push Jimena a fake abortion as soon as possible but the young he won’t want to know.

La Promessa Spoilers: Petra Defends Feliciano and Is Ready to Leave the Estate

Pia is a fury and wants Feliciano to be punished for kidnapping Diego. The housekeeper is ready to report the boy to the Civil Guard and Petra she is very afraid that this will happen. The waitress he will want to take all the blame of his brother – actually his son – and will convince Cruz to give her a hand. The Marquise will agree that her maid will not only take on all the responsibilities but will also write her excellent references for finding another job outside the estate. Pia but he will not be able to believe that the woman is the only one responsible and will continue to want to see clearly. Salvador will be ready to take off the blindfold.

The Promise Spoilers: Ramona Ready for a Major Revelation

Ramona will be found at reread Dolores’ letter written to the children and will begin to understand that they must be sincere with both Jana and CurroThe woman will realize that she cannot more lying to the two boysespecially since his lies and omissions are pitting them against each other. Ramona will ask Jana to come to her together with his brother to make them a very important revelation on their mother. Meanwhile Abel will continue not to give up on Jana and will come forward asking her to have dinner together.

Plots and Spoilers The Promise: Teresa Rejects Mauro

Mauro And back on the attack with Teresa and kissed her. The girl will get very angry and will freeze her ex, telling him that she can’t let him get close to her again. The waitress will confess to him that she in love with Feliciano and want to try to clarify with him. Mercedes Instead will push Jimena to fake the abortion but the young woman will refuse and will try to find another solution per solve his problems. The Marchioness will turn to AbelWhat will be very happy to give you a hand.

Let’s discover all the Weekly Previews of The Promise from June 30th to July 6th 2024.

The promise va on air from Monday to Friday to the ore 15.45 while the Saturday and Sunday at 3.30 pm are Channel 5.

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