“The wedding in two weeks, my future wife’s name is Ali”

Always rather reserved about his private life, Nicolas Vaporidis revealed that he will soon get married: “Today I live in London and in two weeks I’m getting married. My future wife is called Ali”. After the success of Notte prima degli Esami, he moved to London and today he owns his own restaurant.

“I live in London today and I’m getting married in a few days”. Nicolas Vaporidisafter the victory at‘Island of the Famous’ in 2022 and the success achieved thanks to the film Night before examshas changed his life. He has been living in London for about three years, where he opened the restaurant Trastevere Tavernwhich has two offices in England and one in Milan. As for his private life, he told in an interview with The Republic that soon will get married to his fiancée, Ali.

Nicolas Vaporidis soon to marry, the announcement

Always rather reserved about his private life, Vaporidis said that he will soon get married to his girlfriend, Ali, with whom he came out in the open on social media in July 2022, a few months after winning the Isola dei Famosi. “Today I live in London and in a few days I’m getting married”he said. And when asked to provide some more details about the big day, he replied: The wedding will be in two weeks. My future wife his name is Ali. We’ve been together for a while. She is half Italian and half English.” The current owner of the restaurant chain Trastevere Tavern he says he is ready to build a family: “I would like children, I’m ready. I prefer to keep the rest private.”

From Night Before Exams to Taverna Trastevere in London

Vaporidis was swept away by success at the age of 24, when he landed the lead role in the film Night before exams. A popularity that, at the time, the young actor did not know how to handle:

Nicolas Vaporidis: “I left the cinema to feel good about myself, but I don’t feel like a former actor”

The night before the film came out I was a complete stranger, the next day they stopped me in the street. A world opened up, a thousand possibilities. From that moment I made 20 years of cinema and 46 films. A nice ride on the carousel, in short. Open doors everywhere. Everyone wants you. Women, money. I lost my sense of reality. It was an artificial life. With artificial relationships. Many are around you only for opportunism.

For this reason he decided to move away from the world of entertainment because “that wasn’t real life.” After the Covid period, he decided to move to London and start from scratch. First he became a waiter in a restaurant, then he owned his own, Trastevere Tavern. “I’m much happier than when I did Night Before the Exams. Now I live in the present and I have learned to question myself”he said. And as for the world of acting, he confesses: “I never close any doors. If, for example, I fell in love with a script, I wouldn’t rule out making that film. I only maintained a relationship with Eros Galbiati, who later became one of my best friends.”

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