Italy 24 Press News

Accident in Milan, the 18-year-old died in the night overwhelmed by a car in Viale Umbria

AND died in the night, at the Niguarda hospital, the 18-year-old involved in the accident in Milan which took place on Tuesday 1 August in Viale Umbria. Michael, this is the name of the boy of Canadian origin, had been overwhelmed by an Audi RS7 which had collided with a Renault Capture. After the impact, the car hit the young man, crushing him against a pole. The rush to the hospital was immediate where the boy underwent a delicate surgery. In the night the tragic news: the 18-year-old didn’t make it, the injuries sustained in the impact were too serious.

Accident in Milan, the dynamics of the accident

The accident took place on Tuesday 1 August at 1.30 pm, at the crossroads between viale Umbria and via Colletta. According to the first investigations, it appears that the Audi – driven by an employee of a dealership and who was delivering the car to the buyer – came from viale Umbria and was traveling in the direction of Loreto while the Renault Captur arrived from via Colletta. From an initial reconstruction it seems that it was the driver of the Captur who went through the red light. The parents of the boy who was overwhelmed were present at the time of the accident, they fell ill immediately after the incident and were taken to hospital.

Accident in viale Umbria

Accident in Milan, who was the victim

The victim, born in 2005 and with dual Lebanese and Canadian citizenship, he was a resident of Lebanon but regularly frequented Milan. Some friends of the young man arrived at the scene of the accident just as local police officers were carrying out the surveys. Also in viale Umbria was the owner of the Audi, who had just bought it to give it to his son for his birthday and who was waiting for the dealer’s employee in via Lattanzio.

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