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Trigun Stampede vs Trigun – A first comparison

These days he made his debut Trigun Stampede the new animated adaptation of the adventures of Vash The Stampede. Available in simulcast on the streaming platform Crunchyrollit promises to bring new fans to the great world created in 1996 by the mangaka Yasuhiro Nightow. But what are the differences with that anime that made its debut in our land back in 2000?

Modern techniques

The first big difference, impossible not to notice, concerns the technical aspect of the two productions. Each is daughter of her timebut for Trigun Stampedeunlike other modern anime, was chosen to fully animate the series in 3D GTC compared to a balance of the two techniques. A risky choice that finds its strength in making it appear speed and dynamism, but which leaves something to be desired when there are facial animations that are not always able to give their best. In the original version, the facial mimicry it was excellentcapable of making even a casual spectator laugh and feel emotions thanks also to the various style changes brought about.

For what concern sound sector this too underwent a facelift. The quality is still very high and, for the moment, it seemed to us to be excellent also for the music played. The only flaw that we feel like mentioning at this juncture is the lack of use of the original opening of Trigun which, thanks to its guitar riff, managed to immediately attract attention.

The opening track of Trigun Stampede.

Important details

We are only in the first episode, but there are already major changes to the plot of the Trigun original. Millyat the moment, does not appear, while Meryl is accompanied by Robert DeNiro because both are on the hunt for a scoop for the Bernardinelli News Agency. Their goal is to find information about the humanoid typhoon and possibly be able to interview the most wanted man on the planet.

The bounty on Vash’s head has changed: it’s no longer that unimaginable amount of 60 billion of double dollars, but it is of suns 6 million. Of course, that’s still an incredible figure, but without more information about the planet’s economy, it’s impossible to tell if this figure is correct for a man who has been declared a natural disaster.

The past of vash is discovered very calmly in the original anime, as well as its great antagonist, while in Stampede these are presented within the first episode. The past of vash it is shown in the ending sequence, while it is shown at the end of the episode KnivesVash’s nemesis.

The past part there introduces to the world and suggests some reasons why it is so difficult to live there desert land, but the choice to immediately show Knives we find both a misstep within the very structure of the story. A villains of the genre, even if you don’t really see his face, he would have enjoyed an aura of mystery even bigger than the one he already has.

The sneak peek of the first episode.

Cheeky hair

The character designas well as the general design of the world, has remained almost identical to Trigun, the only exception comes from Vash’s hair. The humanoid typhoon no longer wears the classic and iconic brush, but has smoother and more jaunty hair, capable of making it go unnoticed and more in line with current fashion.

The two faces in comparison. On the left the original Vash, while on the right the new one.

Continue or give up?

The big differences with Trigun they make of Trigun Stampede a very different product from its predecessor. Those who were struck by the opening theme many years ago will have difficulty digesting this new product based on the work of Yasuhiro Nightow, but this does not mean that Trigun Stampede is a product to reject. It is a product that wants to keep up with modern times and that we will continue to see because, we are sure, it will be able to give us new emotions.

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