Italy 24 Press News

Albidona in the grip of fire for two days, two elderly people evacuated

ALBIDONA “We are facing a devastating fire.” These are the words of the mayor Leonardo Aurelio, almost disarmed in the face of a gigantic fire that has been destroying a large part of his municipal territory continuously for more than 24 hours. The mayor, who in recent hours has also been busy evacuating an elderly couple in their eighties who found themselves in their house surrounded by flames and who as a precaution were transferred to the emergency room of the Trebisacce hospital, remains in first place line to coordinate the rescue machine. «There are centuries-old olive groves destroyed – Aurelio continues – and dozens of farm houses are threatened by the flames». An immense fire, we were saying, which is expanding in almost the entire valley of the Avena stream along the coast of Provincial Road 153. Right here, dozens of forestry teams have been operating since yesterday, from the firefighters of Trebisacce, to the workers of Calabria Green, passing through the essential support of the Civil Protection which has activated various territorial sections, some also coming from nearby Basilicata – On site, again since yesterday, as many as 4 Canadianairs have been shuttling, with shifts in pairs of two, from dawn to dusk and a helicopter belonging to the former State Forestry Corps. All attempts to turn it off, however, have so far been in vain. Indeed, the support of air vehicles has so far only managed to mitigate the gigantic scale of the flames and the expansion of the fire. At the time of writing to you, another plane is also arriving on site, having taken off an hour ago from Rome Ciampino and headed straight for Albidona. (Echo of the Ionian)

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