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Benedetto Croce Award, Donatella Di Pietrantonio wins for fiction

Presented the Benedetto Croce di Pescasseroli national prize, Donatella di Pietrantonio wins in the narrative section. All winners.

Donatella Di Pietrantonio“The fragile age”, (Einaudi), for fiction; Max Theodori“Antitotalitarians of Italy”, (Rubbettino), for non-fiction; George Zanchini, “Italians exist”, (Rai libri). They are the winners of the 19th edition of Benedetto Croce National Culture Award of Pescasseroli. Ad Igiaba Scegoauthor of the book “Cassandra a Mogadiscio”, (Bompiani) the Jury awards a special mention. The names were revealed this morning during a press conference in L’Aquila, hosted at Palazzo dell’Emiciclo. The Regional Council participates in the financial support of the event, in compliance with the 2012 law that inextricably linked the Regional Authority to the Award.

The councilor spoke for the Legislative Assembly Pierpaolo Pietrucci who thanked the organizers “for their commitment and passion” and underlined the cultural and educational value of the event. “It is a successful challenge to be able to involve so many boys and girls from Abruzzo and Italian schools. In the commitment to read, handle books, fall in love with reading. The Region supports and will always support every effort made with this style and for these noble purposes.” The mayor of Pescasseroli, Joseph Sipariunderlines the “red thread” that in this edition links the Award with the complicated social situation that Pescara is experiencing. “I invite everyone to Pescasseroli during the days of the event. Never before has culture been united with culture – said Sipari – Today we are protagonists with the “Stati Generali dei Patti per la Lettura” and we are also reconnecting with the initiatives that prepare the celebration of L’Aquila Capital of Culture”. Finally, the organizer and soul of the Award, Pasquale D’Alberto: “Ours is not a special effects award. Every year we try to delve deeply into the themes, relaunching the different facets of Croce’s production. Let’s try to leave a significant trace.” At the press conference, representing the popular juries, the professors were present, Silvia Arcanoof the Da Vinci-Colecchi Institute e Antoinette Di Pasquale of the Convitto Cotugno. The writer is absent for health reasons Dacia MarainiPresident of the Award Jury.

The final event, in Pescasseroli, is scheduled for 25, 26 and 27 July. The days will open Thursday 25 Julyat 9 pm, with the screening of the film “Io Capitano”, by Matteo Garrone, at the Ettore Scola cinema in Pescasseroli. The director, before the screening, will send a message to the Award. Friday 26th Julyat 10 am, at the Pnalm Visitor Center, the writer Peppe Millanta will talk with Pasquale D’Alberto, Croce Prize, and with Giovanni Cannata, President of the Pnalm, about his book “Cronache da Dinterbild”, Neo Editore. At 5 pm, in Piazza Umberto I, the award dedicated to the linguist Luca Serianni, exactly two years after his death, an unforgettable member of the Prize Jury. The award is aimed at the good practices of the Abruzzo schools Popular Juries of the Prize. The jury awarded the award to the Aterno Manthonè School of Pescara, which has in its program the School, the study group of the San Donato Prison and the after-school program for adults, all in one of the most sensitive areas of Pescara. At 6 pm, the volume “Il redivivo. Benedetto Croce ed il quaderno segreto”, edited by Emma Giammattei, member of the Prize Jury, will be presented for the first time. Professor Giammattei will be in conversation with journalist Giancristiano Desiderio and scholar Arnone Sipari. The directors of the Hoepli Publishing House Marco Sbrozi and Giovanni Hoepli will also be present. Friday 26at 9 pm, in Piazza Umbero I, meeting with Giorgio Zanchini, television host and winner of the 2024 Croce Prize for journalistic literature. Saturday 27 July, at 10 am, at the Ettore Scola Cinema, presentation and reflections on the occasion of the award in memory of Jaques Delors, builder of the new united Europe. Dr. will speak. Gianni Letta, Senator Riccardo Nencini and the Honorable European Deputy Antonio De Caro. At 5pm, in Piazza Umberto I, awards ceremony for the winners of the Benedetto Croce National Culture Award 2024, 19th edition and recognition of the work of the 52 popular juries, accompanied by a performance by the X Sinfonia Choir of Pescasseroli. The moment will be chaired and directed by Dacia Maraini, President of the Prize Jury.

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