Goodbye to the furniture bonus from 2025? The fate of the measure

Goodbye to the furniture bonus from 2025? The fate of the measure
Goodbye to the furniture bonus from 2025? The fate of the measure

After the reductions to size, there could be a farewell to the Furniture Bonus from 2025. The continued cuts, in fact, could lead to the complete elimination of the already reduced incentives for the purchase of furniture and appliances.

The incentives are at risk and the Government is considering the idea of transform the concessions into contributions on request. In fact, the reform provides for lower ceilings for the renovation bonus and the conversion of Irpef deductions into direct contributions.

To date, in fact, the incentives they still seem to be too generous and it is hypothesized to introduce much more stringent limitations and also lower costs.

First of all, let’s see if the furniture bonus will really come to an end in 2025 and, then, let’s analyze what will be the fate of the home bonuses currently in force.

Goodbye to the furniture bonus from 2025?

Despite the cuts and reductions, the next Budget Law 2025 could decree goodbye to the furniture and household appliances bonus.

Over the last few years, the measure has already undergone several changescon downward adjustments to the spending ceiling. The fate could already be sealed, with the elimination of the 50% deduction for furniture and appliances.

The relief, to the extent that it is currently in force, is granted only in connection with construction work.

For the time being, like the ecobonus and the sismabonus, the furniture bonus is not confirmed in 2025. But considering the trend, a farewell to the measure is possible. However, at least for now, the measure has not been refinanced for next year. This may or may not happen only with an intervention in the Budget Law.

Pending possible confirmations or denials, it is advisable not to postpone further, if interested, and to make purchases by 2024, in order to benefit from the deduction.

Spending ceiling cut

The Government is proceeding on the path of cuts to building bonuses. In fact, the furniture bonus has already undergone some adjustments regarding the eligible expenditure ceiling of the Irpef deduction. Here is the history of the measure:

  • 2021, the spending limit was 16,000 euros;
  • 2022, the spending cap dropped to 10,000 euros;
  • 2023, the spending ceiling increased to 8,000 euros;
  • 2024, the spending cap increased to 5000 euros.

Home bonus expiring on 31 December 2024

The home bonuses that we have been used to knowing and using during the past years, very soon, will no longer exist. Naturally, not everybody. Some will undergo changes, in addition to those already in place. Many others will expire on December 31, 2024.

By the end of 2024in fact, many incentives for renovations will be cancelled. With the beginning of 2025, the green bonusfor example, will cease to exist.

A very important and equally appreciated measure, the green bonus, until 31 December 2024, will allow you to benefit from a 36% deduction on a maximum expenditure of 5000 euros per real estate unitto improve green spaces.

As regards, instead, the renovations standardthe threshold of deduction will return to 36%, with a maximum expense of 48,000 euros. Not the numbers we have been used to lately. The same superbonus will have a 65% deductionas well as the addition of new limitations for credit compensation.

What is the fate of the home bonuses from 2025?

The fate of home bonuses hangs in the balance and many measures, as we have seen, will suffer significant cuts, while others will be definitively abolished.

For all those who are planning to carry out renovations or other subsidized works for their homes, it is best to “hurry up” and take advantage of the opportunities still in force.
To facilitate and understand what the fate of the 2025 home bonuses will be, here is a list of concessionswith the related tax deductions and spending limits allowed:

  • Superbonus: only for condominiums and owners of buildings with 2-4 real estate units, with a 65% deduction. The 110% rate will be reserved for interventions in municipalities affected by seismic events;
  • Architectural barrier bonus: 75% deduction, with caps and stricter rules already applied this year;
  • Renovation Bonus: the deduction will drop from 50% to 36%, with a spending limit reduced from 96,000 euros to 48,000 euros per real estate unit;
  • Ecobonus: the rate reduced to 36% and spending cap set at 48,000 euros per real estate unit.
  • Sismabonus: The 36% deduction with a maximum expenditure of 48,000 euros per real estate unit.


The fate of the furniture bonus is very uncertain and there could be a goodbye from 2025This is a measure that has already undergone several cuts in the past with respect to the spending ceiling.

Even the fate of the building bonuses is not entirely certain. Many have already been modified and many will be abolished at the end of 2024.

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