Italy 24 Press News

Child dead in well, 6 under investigation. Witness: “he was asking for help”

I am at least six people under investigation for the Death of ten-year-old boy who fell into artesian well yesterday in the countryside of Palazzolo Acreide, in the Syracuse area. It’s about the owner of the land and of some operators present at that time. It is a necessary act to arrange the autopsy, scheduled for next week, as an unrepeatable act. The prosecutor of Syracuse, Sabrina Gambino, and the deputy Davide Viscardi, carried out an inspection of the site of the tragedy with the Carabinieri. The Prosecutor’s Office also wants to verify the timing of the rescue, who was responsible for supervising the children and whether the well had been made safe.

The witness’s story

“After falling into the well, the child spoke to his mother and father, they called him and he he was asking for help“, a witness tells of the first minutes of what would turn out to be a tragedy. The witness, Salvatore La Rosa, lives in a house next to the farm where the boys were on a trip. The man spoke to TGR Sicilia about the efforts of the educators to try to save the 10-year-old: “the lady went down there with her bare hands, waiting for help“, which arrived after “two hours will have passed, it could have been avoided.”

“A deep and unjustifiable pain”

Even the schools attended by the child wanted to remember him. “The school community is shocked by a very serious loss: the premature death of the child attending the primary school of our institution. A deep and unjustifiable pain that affects all of us. We hold each other in respectful silence and with a feeling of closeness to his family, classmates and those who have formed bonds of friendship and affection with him.” we read on the Facebook page of the “V. Messina” by Palazzolo Acreide.

Centro Rampi: “More deaths like Alfredino, zero prevention”

We witness disheartenedly these tragedies which always occur due to neglect. As was the case with Alfredino, correct prevention measures are lacking“. As Daniele Biondo, former President of Centro Alfredo Rampi. “After the Vermicino accident we have always fought – he added – We are very good at rescue operations, but from the point of view of prevention we are still far away”.

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