Italy 24 Press News

Passing of the baton in the diocesan AC

On Saturday, June 22, in Cuccurano, during the Celebration of the Festive Eucharist, Bishop Andrea handed over the nomination for the three-year mandate to the parish and diocesan presidents of Catholic Action. This concludes the process of renewal of the associative responsibilities that periodically sees the passing of the baton at all levels.

The meaning of this simple act, in the tradition of our diocese and many others, is to remember that the aim of Catholic Action is to serve the diocesan church through the commitment, involvement and participation in the life of the Church of children, boys, young people and adults starting from their own Christian communities.

The roots of Catholic Action are throughout the territory of the diocese. Some realities are smaller, others more complex. All of them, however, propose an experience of the Church, albeit in different ways and in different contexts.

During the homily, the Bishop, taking up the second letter to the Corinthians proclaimed in the liturgy, emphasized that what drives a Christian is the love of Christ – Caritas Christi urget nos – which is the origin and source of any commitment, service, responsibility. A love and a relationship that push individual believers and communities forward in different moments, the most exciting and the most difficult, those in which there is silence and those in which there is a storm.

At the end of the celebration, the Bishop, calling one by one the eighteen presidents of the various associations, delivered the official act of nomination and blessed them so that the service performed may generate, in the Church and for the world, a new life, a universal brotherhood, an active charity.

A moment of fraternity followed in the premises of the Cuccurano oratory. This was also an opportunity to meet again, share news and projects in view of the summer and celebrate, in that weaving of relationships that bring together and make the diocesan Church feel real in people and in concrete situations.

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