Italy 24 Press News

Child dead in the well, the witness’s story and the mother’s torment

It is still borne by unknown persons and the investigation by the Syracuse prosecutor’s office for manslaughter following the death of little Vincenzo, 10 years old, who lost his life by falling into a well in Palazzolo Acreide. All the people present at the summer camp organized by a social cooperative for disabled children Anfass will be heard and the minutes that preceded the tragedy will be reconstructed.

Regarding what happened late yesterday morning, it would emerge that the excursion to show children how some agricultural products are processed was about to end. Meanwhile, Palazzolo Acreide is still dismayed and already yesterday the celebrations of San Paolo Apostolo, patron saint of the Aretuseum municipality, were suspended. It is very probable, from what we learn, that the city will be in mourning on the day of the child’s funeral.

Witness: “Child Talked to Parents and Asked for Help”

A witness reconstructed the moments following the tragedy to the microphones of Tgr Sicilia. “After falling into the well, the child spoke to his mother and father, they called him and he asked for help.“, said the man who lives in a house next to the farm where the boys were on a trip, underlining the commitment of the educators to try to save the little victim. “The lady – he says – went down there with her bare hands, waiting for help” which, according to the witness, “two hours must have passed before arrival”.

“My heart stopped together with your heart in that damned well, I love you my Vincenzo”, we read in the meantime on the Facebook page of little Vincenzo’s mother.

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