Italy 24 Press News

“Our heart stopped with yours”

“After falling into the well, the child spoke to his mother and father, they called him and he asked for help,” said a witness to the tragedy that occurred in Palazzolo Acreide, where a 10-year-old child died after falling into a well. “Our heart stopped with yours,” the little boy’s parents wrote on social media. Autopsy tomorrow.

“The child, after falling into the well, spoke to his mother and father, they called him and he was asking for help“. It is the reconstruction of the moments after the beginning of the tragedy Of Palace Acreide, where a 10 year old child he fell into a well and is diedmade by a witness, Salvatore La Rosa, who lives in a house next to the farm where the little boy was on a trip.

Speaking with the Tgr Sicilythe man also recounted the desperate attempt of one of the educators to save the 10-year-old boy: “The lady she went down there with her bare handswaiting for help”, which arrived “after two hours. It could have been avoided”.

My heart stopped along with yours in that damned well, I love you”, the little boy’s parents wrote on social media in two posts, died late yesterday morning, Thursday 27 June.

The 10-year-old boy who fell into a well in the province of Syracuse has died

It will probably take place tomorrowautopsy on the child’s body. It will be arranged by the Syracuse prosecutor, Sabrina Gambino, who coordinates the Carabinieri investigations. With the autopsy, the entries in the register of suspects.

A lighthouse is lit on owner of the land and on operators child care workers, and among them was the 54-year-old woman who, when the alarm was raised, went down into the well to try to save the child.

The Prosecutor’s Office of Syracuse has opened aninvestigation for manslaughter linked to the death of the child in the care of unknown. Now all the people, about fifteen, who were at the campo summerorganized by Anfass, a social cooperative for disabled children, to verify the responsibilities for what happened.

From the first findings, other indications emerge about what happened in the late morning: apparently, the excursion to that farm, to show the children how some agricultural products are worked, it was about to end. The bus that was supposed to take them back already had its engine running and some operator had given instructions to the little ones to get on board.

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