ORDER OF ARCHITECTS VERCELLI – Meeting on fire safety regulations

Clarify and delve into some of the regulations governing the fire safety sector, providing a complete overview of the obligations that must be known.

With this aim the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of the Province of Vercelliin collaboration with the Provincial Fire Brigade Command from Vercelli and with the Association “PreventionIncendItalia”, organized a seminar at the Palace Hotel in Vercelli.

So, Wednesday 26 June, with the patronage of the Order of Industrial Experts and Graduate Industrial Experts of the Provinces of Biella and Vercelli and with the patronage of the College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of the Province of Vercellia training meeting entitled “Detection, fire-fighting systems, water plants and passive protection of structures. Fire strategies in accordance with national and international regulations” was held.

During the meeting, the approach that professionals should have, the study and design process of individual measures and the responsibilities and obligations provided by the Law were discussed.


The conference was introduced and moderated by David Lovati of PrevenzioneIncendItalia who illustrated the objectives of the association: “Born in 2005 – he has declared – by the will of several companies in the fire safety sector who have made their work a mission. We organize training sessions throughout Italy: in total, online and in person, about 50 conferences. We believe that fire prevention is not just an opportunity to meet in big cities, but also that it is aimed at the entire territory”.


The President of the Order of Architects of Vercelli Marina Martinotti He emphasized the importance of following these seminars for everyone: “The meeting analyses a very broad spectrum of topics – he said – which is useful to us technicians who deal with fire prevention specifically, but also to all those who carry out even just architectural design. These moments are useful for everyone as they raise awareness and focus attention on the topic of safety and prevention. Another aspect that I consider important of this technical meeting is that, for the first time, the Associazione PrevenzioneIncendItalia, a leader in the specific sector, has chosen our city as its venue. Therefore, we must be doubly proud of it” and we hope to be able to repeat these training opportunities”.


The President of the Province then took the floor David Gilardino: “The culture of safety – he has declared – it is fundamental. The attention, by the institutions, must be very high on the issue. In Vercelli we are fortunate to have the presence of a Provincial Command of the Fire Brigade that collaborates a lot with us: I am thinking, for example, of the 27 buildings of the high schools where safety is essential“. But not only. “We come from a purely agricultural territory – he continued – where there are many plants that concern the drying of rice and that must be increasingly efficient and safe. Without forgetting the start of all the events in the province, including festivals and fairs, in which the culture on the subject of fire prevention must be very high”.


The conference then began with the report by the Engineer Andrea MarinoProvincial Commander of the Fire Brigade who underlined how important these meetings are: “These are moments in which one reflects on current issues – he has declared -. They must not only be addressed mechanically but understood and metabolized. The update must not be seen as an obligation but as a moment of growth”.


The Commander spoke about active and passive protection in the fire prevention strategy of the Fire Prevention Code.

The Engineer then intervened Danilo Anatriello of Green Safety with “Non-pressurized powder fire extinguishing system for the protection of warehouses/depots. Reference legislation and case studies”.

The Engineer Gian Paolo Benini (Hydroelectric) discussed the “UNI EN 12845 fire-fighting water systems” and then we talked about “design with linear detectors in UNI 9795/2021” with the Industrial Expert Paul Borloni (Setronic Verona).

And finally the Industrial Expert Claudio Traverso (Amotherm) introduced “Fire protection of structures and reaction to fire of materials”.

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