Italy 24 Press News

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Driving licenses have also increased in price, prices are now skyrocketing and exams are extremely difficult. Are you sure you can do it?

The driving license B is the essential document for driving cars. Recently the discipline has been revised and modified and the reason is quite simple, we need new regulations especially as regards those who have recently obtained their driving license.

In the first 3 years of having your license you are considered a new driver, this implies that you need to be subject to much stricter laws and much more stringent indications. This happens because they are considered inexperienced and much more contemptuous of danger.

Once the first 3 years have passed, the rules to follow are the same that must be applied by all driversi. But let’s take a step back and focus on obtaining a driving licence, for which, in Italy, it is necessary to have completed the 18 years, but there is no maximum age for obtaining it.

The exam to obtain the license is divided into 3 different moments, which aims to ensure that the motorist is actually capable on a psycho-physical level and with knowledge of the Highway Code, to get behind the wheel.

How to get a driving license

When you turn 18, you can enroll in a driving school, in order to take any lessons you may need to prepare for the theory test. This takes place at the Civil Motorization Office and the license holder will have to answer a series of questions. multiple choice questionsOnly later will you come into possession of what everyone knows as the pink slip.

This allows you to be a guide, to learn how to drive a car. When you feel ready and after having undergone the medical examination, you undergo the practical exam, testing your ability to drive.

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How much does it cost to get a driving license

If you are wondering how much it costs to get a driving license then we can tell you that its cost comes to around 1000 euros. This is the price to pay if you rely on a driving school. But if instead you decide to get the license privately, then the cost is lower.

Obviously the cost can vary by a few tens of euros depending on which one you rely on one driving school rather than anotheralso there are some regions where everything could be managed differently and where the price could be different.

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