Italy 24 Press News

Flood, 60 people sign to ask to establish a single “Romagna hydrogeographic district”

Establish a Romagna hydrogeographical district to jointly address the safety of the Romagna territory affected by last year’s flood. To ask for the “Commissioner of the river systems of Romagna”, a group of citizens was activated, coordinated by Patrizia Grementieri (candidate in the last elections on the centre-left ‘Rinnoviamo Forlì’ list) who collected 60 signatures at the bottom of a text in which recalls the establishment of similar bodies in the past and calls for “learning from the past to improve the future”.

Currently, it is noted, the competences are fragmented across multiple bodies: “In theory, they all contribute to the same goal of improving management, but it is virtually impossible to merge them into an organic framework that leads to a single harmonious decision on the structure and operation. The reason is that this unitary vision is still completely missing and a methodology consistent with it is missing: a single commission, detached from the enormous area it currently belongs to, that of the Po basin, elected by the mayors, with management responsibility, with the possibility of activating consultancy or collaboration with universities and with citizen representatives within it, because only through the sharing of decisions between power and civil society can solutions be found in the interest of the community”.

“A tormented community, politically divided into many municipalities, of different political areas, aggregated among themselves in various unions (of the Romagna Forlivese, of the Municipalities of the Savio Valley, of the Romagna Faentina, of the Bassa Romagna,…) or alone like Forlì. With the help of different knowledge and with the citizens it is necessary to create risk maps on specific vulnerabilities, looking to the future, identifying different risk scenarios and with a forecast of how events can impact the community (expected severity and probability of occurrence)”, continues the text.

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