Italy 24 Press News

Mysterious Death in Vatican: American Student Found Hanged

A mystery surrounds the Vatican where a 21-year-old American student was found lifeless in his hotel room. The boy, who was in the capital for a summer course, was found hanged in the bathroom.

Investigations open:

The investigations were conducted by the state police and the Vatican gendarmerieaim to clarify whether it was a suicide or another scenario. The alarm was raised by an educator who had no news of the young man. The room was tidy, the only closed door was the bathroom door.

Passionate motive?

The 21-year-old apparently got into an argument with his two roommates, perhaps for an attempted sexual approach. The two boys, after spending the first night out, would return only to change and then go out again. The young man, according to their story, was already asleep.

No tracks excluded

At the moment, investigators are not excluding any hypothesis, including suicide. The students will be questioned again and the images from the surveillance cameras, the forensic findings and the autopsy examination will be crucial.

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