Houses for sale, prices rising from North to South in the first six months of 2024

Houses for sale, prices rising from North to South in the first six months of 2024
Houses for sale, prices rising from North to South in the first six months of 2024

In June 2024 the average price of residential properties for sale in Italy is 2.238 €/mqwith a increase of +5.2% compared to the end of 2023. This is what the data collected by Insightsthe proptech company of the group.

Among the macro-areas into which the peninsula is divided, the most expensive is the centercon 2.451 €/mq; the cheapest are the Islandscon 1.383 €/mq. In the first six months of 2024, the macro-area in which the most significant increase in the average price was recorded is the Nord-Ovestcon +6,9%.

center 2.451 € 2,9%
Nord-Ovest 2.447 € 6,9%
Northeast 2.316 € 4,7%
Sud 1.614 € 4,4%
Islands 1.383 € 4,1%
ITALIA 2.238 € 5,2%

Price trends in the last 6 months in major cities

The regional capital where houses for sale reach the highest prices is – once again – Milanocon 5.443 €/mq and an increase in the1,8% in the last six months. No surprises for the other two steps of the podium either: in second place Firenzecon 4.250 €/mq (+2,4%); at the third Bolognacon 3.499 €/mq (+2,3%).

AND Catanzaro the cheapest regional capital: it is the only one that remains below the threshold of one thousand euros per square meter, precisely 988 €/mqwith a six-monthly delta of -0,4%. They follow Campobasso con 1.194 €/mq e Perugia con 1.274 €/mq.

Milano 5.443 € 1,8%
Firenze 4.250 € 2,4%
Bologna 3.499 € 2,3%
Roma 3.429 € 2,8%
Venezia 3.258 € 3,1%
Trento 3.181 € 6,0%
Napoli 2.883 € 3,3%
Cagliari 2.524 € 5,0%
Trieste 2.247 € 4,1%
Bari 2.123 € 6,1%
Aosta 2.081 € 0,6%
Torino 2.026 € 6,4%
Ancona 1.716 € 4,9%
Genova 1.658 € 2,3%
The Eagle 1.597 € -0,2%
Palermo 1.432 € 4,0%
Power 1.417 € 1,4%
Perugia 1.274 € 5,5%
Campobasso 1.194 € 3,5%
Catanzaro 978 € -0,4%

The most significant growth in the last six months was recorded in Torinowith an increase of 6,4%. They also exceed six percentage points Baricon 6,1%e Trentocon 6,0%. The only two negative deltas are those of The Eagle e Catanzarobut neither of them reaches the percentage point (-0.2% and -0.4% respectively). Also close to stability are the prices of Aostawhich recorded a +0.6% in the first half of the year.

Supply and demand on the rise throughout Italy

In the first six months of 2024, the demand for residential properties for sale increased by 15,8%with a gap between the different macro-areas of the peninsula that ranges from 17.9% of the North-West al 6.6% of the Islands.

Nord-Ovest 17,9%
Northeast 16,1%
center 15,9%
Sud 11,0%
Islands 6,6%
ITALIA 15,8%

At the same time, the offer has also grown, with a delta equal to 21,7% in the first half of the year. This time the ones driving the ranking are the Islandswith an increase of 48,3% compared to the end of 2023, followed by Sud con 47,2%.

On the contrary, the offer to the Nord-Ovest it only grew by 10,4% in six months, in the face of an increase in demand – as we have seen – of 17,9% which led to a more significant growth in prices than what happened in the southern and island regions.

Islands 48,3%
Sud 47,2%
center 24,4%
Northeast 10,7%
Nord-Ovest 10,4%
ITALIA 21,7%
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