Italy 24 Press News

Fiery weekend in the Caserta area, peaks up to 38 degrees

CASERTA. A fiery weekend in the Casertapeaks up to 38 degrees. African anticyclone undisputed protagonist of the meteorological events in the Mediterranean area, a new blaze of very hot air is expected during the next few days in Campania. Summer 2024 could take on historic connotations in terms of heat in the Mediterranean basin: in the next few days in fact, a new rise of the sub-tropical high pressure will cause a new increase in temperatures throughout our country, with peaks up to 40°-41°C also in the internal areas of Campania. Specifically, the first part of the week will be marked by clear or partly cloudy skies over all the provinces with some more compact cloudiness near the mountainous areas but without rain.

African anticyclone arrives, great heat returns to the entire region

During the weekend, maximum temperatures will be in line with typical values ​​for the period, between 34°C and 36°C between Caserta, Benevento and Avellino and between 32°C and 34°C between Naples and Salerno. Hot and muggy even at night, especially along the coastal strip, where minimum values ​​will hardly fall below 25°-26°C. According to today’s model emissions, a further increase in heat could materialize during the next weekend, when maximum temperatures could reach, and in some cases exceed, the threshold of 40°C in the inland areas (Beneventano, Irpinia and Caserta); Lower values ​​along the coastal strip (Naples and Salerno), where instead the mugginess will be felt, with tropical nights and values ​​never lower than 26°C-27°C. July, however, should begin with rain, but given the high temporal distance, we invite you to follow all the updates on

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