Italy 24 Press News

Toti case, today the meeting in Ameglia with the regional leaders of the center-right

After Monday’s meeting at the Toti house with the interim president Alessandro Piana and the councilors Giacomo Giampedrone and Marco Scajola, today it is the turn of the regional leaders of the centre-right, the deputy minister and secretary of the Liguria League Edoardo Rixi, the Ligurian deputy and coordinator of Fratelli d’Italia Matteo Rosso, and the regional coordinator of Forza Italia Carlo Bagnasco. The round of meetings with Maurizio Lupi and Pino Bicchielli, respectively leader and deputy of Noi Moderati, will end next Monday. If the meeting of the Toti council took place in the morning, that of the regional leaders will be held in the afternoon instead, around 4.00-5.00 pm and as happened with the first, it will last three hours. The Guardia di Finanza will be out keeping watch just like on Monday.

This will most likely be the decisive summit to define the political line to be carried forward. The line of the council was clearly outlined on Monday 24 June, during the press conference called in Luni, where the acting president Piana and the councilors Scajola and Giampedrone reiterated once again their desire to continue with Piana in command until Toti’s return, when he will obtain the revocation of house arrest, which could happen in July with the ruling of the Review Court. While the issue of resignation was not touched upon during the summit with the council on Monday, today the regional leaders could instead ask Toti what his intentions are.

Given recent statements and making political considerations, it is likely that regional leaders support the same line expressed by the Toti government. The content of the meeting will probably be transmitted through a joint note signed by the three leaders, unlike what happened on Monday with the organized press point. It seems in fact that there is no will to release public statements.

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