Italy 24 Press News

«The green transition is expensive but generates benefits for everyone»

It is the best known of the three lemmas that make up the acronym Esg. «Environmental», Social and Governancerecalls the most well-known application of sustainability, the environmental one: its costs and benefits for businesses were discussed on Wednesday evening at the Mille Miglia Museum in the last meeting of the cycle «The three faces of sustainability: ESG criteria»promoted by the GdB in the insert GdB&Futura.

The entire meeting can be rewatched by clicking here or in the video below.

The picture of the transition was painted by Sergio Vergalliprofessor of resource and energy economics at the University of Brescia: «The transition costs a lot – he explained after the greetings of the general manager of Bonera Group Andrea Denanni –, and according to some estimates there is even talk of 5 trillion euros. The question arises as to where to get them and from this perspective the EU has put in place an instrument such as the Emission Trade System (ETS), a system for exchanging greenhouse gas emission quotas. More recent is the Carbon border adjustment mechanism (Cbam), a carbon tax imposed on goods imported from countries outside the EU”.

The markets

In general, according to Vergalli, “having green behaviors costs, but reduces risk. ESG funds have grown a lot, financial markets have recognized that there is a profit”. And if it were a “bubble”? “It seems that the indication of ESG profitability exists – he underlined -, but we must be careful: we need to go truly green and invest wellalso for the related industries: one euro invested, if we consider the effects on the territory, can generate up to four».

A principle “smelled” by Brescia companies, as he explained Robert Barbisoni, official of the Energy, environment and sustainability area of ​​Confindustria Brescia: «Our territory boasts an exceptional vocation for industrial recycling and recovery activities – he highlighted during the meeting moderated by the journalist Stefano Martinelli -. There is an incessant use of technological innovation and the control of environmental impacts.”

The attitude towards green investment is therefore not lacking but often the path is not easy for SMEs, in the face of high costs and bureaucracy: «The Brescia-based company encounters regulatory and administrative obstacles: it asks for a balanced regulatory frameworkto ensure innovation and competitiveness”.

Transition 5.0

And speaking of paintings, while awaiting the implementing decree, the Transition Plan 5.0: «It makes 6 billion euros available, with which to obtain up to 45% as a non-repayable grant in the form of a tax credit – said the senior consultant of GFinance Marco Bortoli -. Investments 4.0 in machinery, plants and factory equipment for digitalization are mandatory, to which Plan 5.0 adds investments for energy efficiency and the reduction of consumption by at least 3% compared to the factory or 5% compared to the production process. And to reserve the funds you need to submit an application through the GSE: it will be possible from July until December 31, 2025, with no possibility of extension».

He is convinced of the goodness of green incentives Simone TaffelliCEO of Falar, a company in Borgosatollo that designs and manufactures window frames and carpentry work: «Companies in our sector have invested a lot in 4.0. We have also joined and are learning about 5.0. I agree with all these incentives».

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