Uilca Nexi: meeting of June 27th

Uilca Nexi: meeting of June 27th
Uilca Nexi: meeting of June 27th

Dear Colleagues,

On June 27th the trade unions met with the company to get feedback and discuss the following topics:
– Redemption of the degree for contribution purposes;
– Reduction of working hours for shift workers;
– Mapping of professional roles;
– Transfer from Gonin to Livraghi headquarters for the Call Center staff of Service Hub Milano;

– Smart Working contract renewal.

Redemption of the degree for contribution purposes

The company has communicated that it has not yet made a final decision regarding the group of colleagues who, by taking advantage of the redemption of the Degree title, could access the Solidarity Fund as established by Piano Italia. From what we have learned, the amount that the company should invest is high and therefore it is necessary to wait a few more weeks to have a final response that also establishes the methods for the application.

Reduction of working hours for shift workers

Thanks to the position taken by the trade unions against the company that had unilaterally decided to implement the reduction of working hours ONLY for non-shift and part-time staff, the company delegation has communicated that shift staff will also be able to enjoy this historic
contractual conquest.

The consistency and cohesion demonstrated by the trade unions therefore led the company to return to its positions which aimed at excluding some of the workers.
Unfortunately, the company has not been clear in applying the reduction in hours for shift and part-time staff and we are still waiting for the method of use.
A meeting on the topic will be held tomorrow, July 2nd, we hope that the company has understood the need to not implement further inequalities between workers and that it will implement a solution that is in line with the CCNL.

Mapping professional roles

The company has communicated that the failure to “formulate and deliver” the job descriptions, as established by the CIA signed last year, at least for the main roles, is due to the fact that the project relating to the census of all company positions at Group level, not only for the perimeter of Country Italy, has not been carried forward.
There is no intention on the part of the company to disregard a commitment, which was also signed in the second level contractual framework, but a longer time frame is requested.
As trade unions we have underlined the importance both for the current and future population of colleagues, to clearly obtain what is foreseen by the CIA. We will continue to monitor this aspect with constancy and attention because the attribution of professional roles is closely linked to the reorganization processes of functions and activities as well as to training and
professional development.

Transfer from Gonin to Livraghi headquarters for the Call Center staff of Service Hub Milano The company has confirmed that after the summer period the colleagues of the contact center of Service Hub Milano who work at the Gonin headquarters will be transferred to Livraghi, the current headquarters of Help Line. The methods and date will be formally communicated closer to the event.

Smart Working
The company has communicated that the very detailed proposal made by the trade unions is far from the model adopted to date, which provides for an alternation between presence in the company and SW.
The positions are therefore still very distant; as trade unions we cannot accept that there is a total closure to flexibility, as many companies in our sector already do, and also
a strong focus on a series of “social” needs that involve many of our colleagues. Furthermore, it remains unacceptable for us that there are business sectors where a balance has been achieved
“agreement” between boss/collaborator regarding the days in SW, while in others there are still those who compile the most varied planning excel files, months in advance and with a rigid application of the SW.

We will keep you updated on further developments.
The Trade Unions of the NEXI Group

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