Italy 24 Press News

The singer who revives the golden years of music

Fernando Parisi: The singer who revives the golden years of music with a video clip in the Albano Carrisi estate and announces his concert in Ostuni.

Fernando Parisi, the talented singer originally from Ostuni (Br), is making people talk about him all over Puglia thanks to his extraordinary ability to reinterpret the great successes of the 60s to the 80s. And now, he has created a video clip that will surely make history. The video can be viewed on YouTube:, where it is receiving myriad views.

The location chosen for this video is none other than the Albano Carrisi estate, located right in the place where the famous singer from Cellino San Marco spent his entire life. From here, Albano conquered the entire world, turning this estate into his landing base after each concert. It is here that he lived with his beloved mother Lolanda Ottino, Don Carmelo, Romina Power and Loredana Lecciso, along with their children.

The video clip is dedicated to Fernando’s dear mother, Annamaria, who unfortunately left us on June 25, 2020. Annamaria was an extraordinary woman who shared Fernando’s passion for music, and always believed in his artistic potential. Even Albano Carrisi himself recognizes Fernando Parisi as a noteworthy interpreter.

Furthermore, Fernando Parisi is pleased to announce his concert in Ostuni, his hometown, which will be held on July 20, 2024 in Villa Comunale. During this extraordinary evening, there will be special guests who will attend his exceptional performance, together with his Band. It will be a concert that will revive the legendary golden years, from the 60s to the 80s, in which Fernando, with his stage presence and his imposing voice, will give the audience a show full of surprises.

Don’t miss the chance to attend this extraordinary event that will make you relive the emotions of a golden age of music.

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