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Leica Talk in Naples, generations compared in the first meeting

A changing time. And the time that remains”. This is the title of the primo Leica Talk a Napoli. One month after the opening in the city of Leica Storethe cultural events dedicated to the protagonists of photography begin. Two photojournalists enlivened the meeting that took place today, June 27, from 5:30 p.m.

Two masters of photography belonging to two different generations, distant, but who communicate. Francesco CitoNeapolitan born in 1949 and Gabriele Micalizziborn in Milan in 1984. Listening to their experiences and reflections were 50 enthusiasts who had previously registered. The gallery served as a backdrop To Prussian Bluenestled in the historical Palazzo Mannajuolo.

«Today we are here for the inauguration of the Leica store, ‒ he declares Francesco Cito ‒ and I was invited to present my work, to talk about photography. They also talk about my professional career. I started taking pictures way back in 1975. I was already passionate about photography when I was little. It was, then, a different dream. I imagined that the camera was only and simply for adventure. As I grew up I understood that things were a little different and I went to England, where I started working. Then I returned to Italy, to work with the weeklies. I am currently working on a probable book about the Palio di Siena, a work I have been following for about 40 years».

«My relationship with Leica? ‒ Cito continues ‒ We have an up-and-down relationship. I have not always used Leica instruments. I have used and use other machines, depending on the occasion and the needs. However, that Leica is the machine that allowed me to do silent things, if we want to define them that way. It is a machine that at the time when only mechanics existed had a silent shutter, which was barely heard. In addition to the quality of the optics. For me, photography is the image that must be born in the mindnot through some electronic algorithm. Photography is losing, from my point of view, its connotation of being».

«Today we talk about photography, ‒ he comments Gabriele Micalizzi ‒ Leica is the history of photography and it has revolutionized it. Francesco and I want to talk about how this world is changing, from its beginnings to mine. I began to learn about the darkroom at school and immediately fell in love with it. This profession is learned on the job. I believe that like every great revolution, there are elements that can be scary. When Gutenberg invented printing, people didn’t stop writing and therefore, I believe that artificial intelligence will do what photography has done for art. Photography gave legitimacy to art because it spread it.”

«We are here in Naples for the debut of a series of cultural events and, ‒ he adds Oscar Boccalatte, Leica Italia sales manager – as you know, Leica has always placed the photographic cultural aspect at the center of its attention. On this occasion we want, with these great internationally renowned authors, Francesco Cito and Gabriele Micalizzi, to draw attention to the various themes that these photographers know well. This is only the first of a series of other appointments, there will be a calendar full of events.”

After the conference, Cito and Micalizzi led the 50 guests into the Leica store to show their photographs displayed in the store.


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