Italy 24 Press News

A 10-year-old boy who fell into a well in Palazzolo Acreide died, with a woman with him

It was a trip, a day of celebration, but it ended in tragedy. A 10 year old boy, Vincenzo Lantieridied falling into an artesian well in the countryside of Palazzolo Acreide (Syracuse), during a trip of the Anffas Foundation “Doniamo un Sorriso”, which takes care of children with disabilities. A 54-year-old woman was injured and in shock, after she lowered herself into the well to try to help the child.

In Contrada Falabia, in Palazzolo Acreide, the Anffas trip it was organized as part of the initiatives for a summer camp: more children and more operators. The little one, little brother of a disabled child, He is said to have escaped controls for a few minutes by standing on top of the cover that closed the artesian well, which however suddenly gave way. A cooperative worker, 54 years old, he immediately tried to go down the well, using a rope: according to some witnesses he first shouted at the little boy to stay calm, to remain calm. But the attempt was useless.

The child died by drowning, in the well about 15 meters deep, half full of water. The firefighters quickly intervened on site: the educator was saved, aided by a speleo-fluvial firefighter team, who then entrusted her to 118.

The search of Syracuse has opened an investigation into the child’s death. The investigation, still against unknownhypothesizes the crime of manslaughterThe magistrates are trying to reconstruct the dynamics of the tragedy and to understand whether the well, 15 metres deep, was reported.

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