Italy 24 Press News

Ming gold, the splendor and beauty of imperial China: the dazzling exhibition at the Musée Guimet

Immerse yourself in the sumptuous world of imperial China with the Ming Gold exhibition, running at the Musée Guimet from September 18, 2024 to January 13, 2025.

There beauty it is an art that women of Ming dynasty they have mastered… And not just any way. To illuminate the faces and dresses of these ladies, there was nothing better than gold! The Musee Guimet invites you to discover the sumptuous exhibition L’or des Ming, fastes et beautés de la China imperialescheduled from September 18, 2024 to January 13, 2025.

The Ming Dynasty lasted nearly three centuries (1368-1644) and left behind a large amount of treasures. Of course we all know the famous ones vases, who are the protagonists of this exhibition. But this time the Musée Guimet focuses on the sumptuous gold ornaments worn at the imperial court.

These jewels were reserved for the entourage of the imperial family and the higher social classes. Different paintings illustrate the use of gold at court: the precious metal was used to make jewelery and decorative objects, in engraving, in filigree or alongside precious stones And jades.

These ornamental jewels were most often featured in Ming women’s embroidery and hairstyles, or on their bodies, to enhance their beauty. These jewels were a sign of opulence, but also of extreme refinement in a court renowned for its arts and rich crafts.

The exhibition at Musee Guimet highlights some exceptional pieces and reveals the secrets of this gold. Craft techniques, symbolism of colors, meaning of the motifs, links with the nature or the Buddhism: behind the aesthetic appearance lies a whole world of meanings and codes…

Immerse yourself in the heart of the Ming imperial court and be dazzled by its beauty.

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