Italy 24 Press News

from the region 1.4 million euros for the ITS of Liguria. Marco Scajola, “further resources to grow further”

There Regional Councilupon proposal of theeducation councilor Marco Scajolaapproved the distribution of new resources for the Ligurian Its Academy Foundations. It’s about 1.4 million euros which are added to the 2.5, recently allocated by the Liguria Region through the European Social Fund and the over 20.4 million deriving from the Pnrr for the three-year period 2023/2026.

The resources will be used for the management of the foundations, for the strengthening of laboratories and infrastructures and for scholarships

The resources in question will be divided as follows: 1 million and 74 thousand euros will be used for the strengthening of laboratories and infrastructures technologically advanced and for ordinary management the functioning of the Foundations; 54 thousand euros will be intended for scholarships for the support of compulsory training internships of Its courses; 282 thousand euros will be paid as rewards to foundations identified as beneficiaries.

“Additional resources for grow our Its – explains theregional councilor for training Marco Scajola -. Thanks to this allotment we will still guarantee greater development of training courses offered by the sei academy which, already today, are recognized as excellent at a national level.

We will also support those who enroll with dedicated scholarshipsto bring them ever closer to the world of work. The final objective remains the one already declared on several occasions, that is encourage those seeking employment to trust us and thetraining offer proposed by Its. In Liguria over 90% of those who finish one of the courses of higher technological institutes find work in less than six months.

Let’s record the maximum satisfaction from users and companies. We work to ensure that as many Ligurians as possible can exploit the enormous possibilities provided by the foundations”.

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