Italy 24 Press News

The Lazio Region prohibits strenuous work on the hottest days

There Lazio region issued an ordinance to protect workers exposed to excessive heat. The President Francesco Rocca declared that the region prohibits any work activity in the agricultural, horticultural sectors and on construction sites on days of maximum heat to prevent deaths and accidents at work.

As seasonal temperatures rise, the Lazio region decided to adopt new measures to protect the health of workers exposed to excessive heat. The Ordinance, signed by President Francesco Rocca, imposes a ban on carrying out work in the agricultural, horticultural sectors and on construction sites during the hottest days. These workers, in fact, are particularly vulnerable to thermal stress and heat stroke due to prolonged exposure to the sun and high temperatures.

Francis Rock highlighted that the Ordinance represents a measure of public protection and safety, stating that the Lazio Region puts an end to strenuous work on days of maximum heat. In these days, all work activities in the agricultural, floricultural and construction sectors will be prohibitedwith the aim of preventing deaths and accidents at work.

The Ordinance aims to reduce the impact of thermal stress and prevent serious consequences for the health of workers. There Lazio region intends to promote the Ordinance throughout the regional territory, involving Prefects, Mayors, Local Health Authorities, Trade Unions, Trade Associations and Employers to ensure its wide dissemination.

Inail, through the Worklimate project, has made national heat exposure risk prediction maps available on the Worklimate 2.0 website. In accordance with these provisions, the Lazio Region has established a ban on outdoor work activities from 12:30 to 16:00 on days when the risk of exposure to the sun is reported as “HIGH” on the site. This measure will be in force immediately until August 31, 2024.

There Lazio region has also increased the number of SPRESAL technicians (Prevention and Safety Service in Workplaces) in Territorial local health authorities For improve quality and safety in the workplace.

These initiatives represent a concrete commitment to ensure worker safety and prevent workplace tragedies due to extreme weather conditions.

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