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Simona Ventura and her marriage to Giovanni Terzi: it begins in Milan… Photos and videos

The appointment is in Rimini on July 6th. Yet they have already started. Also because he (also) celebrates his 60th birthday

The one between Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi is a two-week long marriage. If the actual ceremony is set for July 6, it is also true that the two lovebirds have already started celebrating. With a pre-wedding party in Milan to which they gathered friends and relatives. Maybe even to start collecting money for their honeymoon, as expressly requested on the wedding invitation… – photo | video

Simona Ventura and her marriage to Giovanni Terzi: “I threw away my love…”. And her ex-husband Stefano Bettarini: “Best wishes…” – Look

APPOINTMENT IN RIMINI – The actual appointment is in Rimini, on 6 July. But Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi want to do things big for their wedding. Indeed, in a very big way. To the point that they invite a thousand friends (including relatives) to the pre-wedding party in Milan. Simona Ventura appears decidedly excited in a white lace jacket and trousers suit. Giovanni Terzi in a very classic blue tailored suit. And among the VIP friends in vineyards, here are Valeria Marini, Alba Parietti, Eleonora Daniele, Giusy Ferreri, Luisa Corna, Raffaella Fico with her daughter Pia, Valeria Graci, Barbara Foria, Paola Barale, Giulia Salemi, Pierpaolo Pretelli, Daniele Battaglia and many others.

Simona Ventura: “Drugs? Bad things. And not a day goes by that I don’t think about my unborn son.” Look

IT’S ALSO HIS BIRTHDAY – Nothing is left to chance, in short. As evidenced by the IBAN placed by Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi at the bottom of the invitation for the wedding, with the reason “honeymoon”. A choice that made more than one people turn up their noses, but that’s it. Now is the time for happiness. Also because the party is celebrated on the fiancé’s birthday. Which makes 60, to be precise. From the series, it’s never too late to get married…

Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi: “The disease is not curable… but we’re getting married!” – Look

TEN DAYS TO REMEMBER – And so, let’s make way for joy: “Today is the first of 10 days that we will remember, love and protect for our entire lives,” says Simona Ventura. “We will forever unite our paths, our projects and our elective affinities. Giovanni Terzi, you are life, love, guidance, protection, energy. I love you infinitely.” And John himself responds: “And today marks sixty years! Yes, today that Simona and I decided to start celebrating our marriage union. Sixty years is starting to be quite an achievement especially looking back and seeing how many events have happened in my life. Events that have certainly changed me, transformed me and made me (for better or worse) the person I am today. If there is a phrase that represents me and that constantly reminds me, it is that of George Bernard Shaw: life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. Good life to everyone”.

Simona Ventura and the great fear of facial paresis: “I woke up like this” – Look


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