Italy 24 Press News

Financial police checks, total tax evaders, smuggling, fraud, drugs

As part of the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Guardia di Finanza, the results of the activities carried out in Liguria by the Corps, led in our region by Commander Cristiano Zaccagnini, between 2023 and the first five months of 2024, were presented. They were 16,415 inspections and 780 investigations were carried out to combat economic-financial crimes and the infiltration of crime into the economy. Below are all the results obtained.

Guardia di Finanza: celebrated the 250th anniversary of its foundation

Fight against fraud and tax evasion

A total of 316 tax evaders were identified (an increase in the previous year and a half from 262), i.e. carrying out business or self-employment activities completely unknown to the tax authorities (many of whom operated through electronic commerce platforms) and 741 workers in ‘black’ or irregular. Furthermore, 29 cases of international tax evasion were discovered, mainly attributable to hidden stable organisations, transfer price manipulation, fictitious tax residences and the illicit holding of capital across borders. 358 subjects were reported for tax crimes, nine of whom were arrested. Overall, assets, profits from tax evasion or tax fraud, worth over 20 million euros were seized. The 493 excise interventions made it possible to seize over 55 tons of energy products; There are, however, 1,104 customs checks on goods introduced into the national territory in tax evasion, counterfeit or in violation of safety regulations.

Contraband: 11 tons of contraband cigarettes

The anti-smuggling activities led to the identification of almost 11 tons of foreign manufactured tobacco consumed fraudulently or subjected to seizure and to the reporting of 174 subjects. The controls and investigations against illegal gaming have instead allowed four people to be reported.

Protection of public spending

Also checks on the correct use of European and national resources and funds for interventions to support businesses and families. Also checks on Pnrr projects and investments. 129 people were reported to the Court of Auditors, resulting in tax damages amounting to over 92 million euros.

Collaboration with the European Prosecutor’s Office

There is a growing collaboration in the area with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, with which 9 investigations were developed which led to the denunciation of 34 perpetrators and the execution of seizures worth over 1.2 million euros.

Organized and economic-financial crime

In the area of ​​money laundering and self-laundering, 44 operations were carried out, which led to the reporting of 105 people, five of whom were arrested, and to the reconstruction of illicit operations for over 54 million. Over 1,516 suspicious financial flows generated by operators of the prevention system were investigated.
anti-money laundering, of which 14 on terrorist financing. Regarding banking and financial illegal activities, including electronic ones, there were 27 complaints with seizure proposals for 148 thousand euros. At the land, sea and air borders, 642 checks were carried out on the circulation of currency with the discovery of illicit movements amounting to over 5.3 million, the verification of 121 violations as well as the seizure of
counterfeit currency, securities and certificates worth over one million euros. In terms of bankruptcy crimes and the business crisis code, the assets seized amount to over 12 million out of a total of assets stolen of over 54 million, while with reference to usury and extortion, 17 people have been reported with seizures for approximately 88 thousand euros.

Russian-Ukrainian conflict: seizures worth 145 million euros

As regards the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, assets worth 145 million euros were seized from six tycoons, including the famous Villa Altachiara in Portofino.

Three tons of drugs seized

In the period under review, the Corps Departments seized, in Italy and abroad, almost three tons of drugs, mainly cocaine (806 kilograms), hashish (over 1.2 tons) and marijuana (over 871 kg). There were 366 people reported, 130 of whom were arrested.

Assistance in the disembarkation of 1,146 migrants

From January 2023 to today, assistance has been brought to Liguria in the disembarkation operations of 1,146 migrants at the ports of Genoa and La Spezia. In the sector of maritime safety, the Guardia di Finanza is also renewing for the current summer season, according to an operational method launched last year, an activity aimed at achieving more effective maintenance of public order and a greater level of safety perceived by part of the community and users of the sea, through the temporary redeployment of naval units in the locations with the highest tourist vocation and density that are located in the districts of the naval and air operational departments.

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