Italy 24 Press News

Flatulence is also taxing on the environment

A tax on the flatulence of cows, or rather on livestock farmers: this is what Denmark has decided, since as we know, intensive farming is one of the causes of the increase in greenhouse gases. Except that they are one of the minor causes (even if we abolished all intensive farming, the reduction in greenhouse gases would be 2%, let alone just Denmark). Not that it’s absolutely wrong, but you don’t empty the sea with a glass of water.

However, it will be something that environmentalists will really like (and vegans, they too have their reasons, just never find anyone at dinner), who however want to take us back to the Pleistocene, even though they live like us. Because the world needs energy, at least the modern world. None of us is willing to give up our comforts, the internet, air conditioning, heating, and everything we do from morning to night requires a lot of energy, even Greta’s posts (the servers consume a lot), and the only non-polluting and safe solution is nuclear power, which however is not popular, because it is a product of modern technology, or because people think of Chernobyl and Fukushima (in the first case a disaster of Soviet incompetence, in the second of a tsunami , and we have no tsunamis or Soviets, for now).


In any case, to speak seriously, about the aforementioned Danish tax, which rightly taxes farmers for the methane farts of their cows, if you think about it, consumers of beans should also be taxed.

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