Italy 24 Press News

“On the borders, the Ministry is held hostage by the center-right in the Liguria Region”

The boundaries of the Portofino Park continue to be discussed.

A question was presented by the group leader of the Democratic Party in the Environment Commission Marco Simian to find out what the position of the ministry was with respect to the recent rulings of the TAR which canceled the re-demarcation of three municipalities, i.e. the current regional park, and restored the boundaries decided in the first instance by the then minister Cingolani in 11 municipalities.

“The ministry, although in an aside it speaks of a possible future extension in the context of the definitive perimeter, without however specifying times and methods and always referring everything to the Liguria Region, which has already clearly expressed its position, shows itself to be hostage to a council headless regional government, with the president under house arrest, and ignores pronouncements, opinions and requests that cannot and should not be overlooked and underestimated”, declares the deputy and vice president of the Democratic Party in the Chamber Valentina Ghio who adds: “We have long stigmatized this decision with in which the local centre-right and the consenting government hold an entire portion of territory hostage, depriving it of a greater opportunity for development and protection”.

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