Italy 24 Press News

“Seize Ilaria Salis’ salary”, Lombardy Regional Council approves Fdi motion

The Lombard governor, Attilio Fontanamust urge Aler “to immediately start the legal procedures” for the recovery of the alleged credit boasted about Ilaria Salis For illegal occupation of public housingincluding “the use of seizure of current accounts” and of salary until “full debt satisfaction accumulated”. It is the content of motion Of Brothers of Italy approved in Regional Council with 45 votes in favor and 19 against.

While Ilaria Salis, newly elected MEP Of Greens-Left Allianceposts a photo on social media in which he is smilingly wearing the welcome badge of the European Parliament, from Pirellone the motion addressed to her arrives. Tempers in the Regional Council flared up when, after the vote, they were shown by the centre-right councillors signs – with written “occupying is not a right” And “Salis pays the rent” – which pushed the president of the regional council, Federico Romani, to invite the clerks to remove them.

“It certainly isn’t an example. This motion raises fundamental issues: legality, respect and housing policies”, the Fdi group leader said in the Chamber, Christian Garavaglia. “We don’t accept lessons. Occupying is illegal, occupying is a crime – he added – anyone who has behaved in a way that is harmful to our legal system certainly does not deserve our respect. Thanks to the motion of the Brothers of Italy it is possible to unmask those who are on the side of illegal activity”.

Of a completely different opinion Nicola Di Marcoregional councilor of the M5S: “The one presented by the center-right is a instrumental act in essence e inadmissible in the form. However, it was an important moment to shine a light on disastrous management by the Lombardy Region and Aler del public building heritage. A management for which nothing has been done during this legislature. The numbers speak of approximately six thousand five hundred vacant homes in Milan and the province, in the meantime approximately twenty thousand requests from those entitled remain unanswered”. “The motion presented by the centre-right is surprising, because in much more serious situations, even in the face of convictions, no similar requests have been received from the same parties to protect the honorability of the regional institutions”, concluded Di Marco.

“We voted against the motion, because the council chambers cannot be transformed into courtrooms. We condemn any form of occupation and we do not agree with a single word of what Ilaria Salis said on private property and abusive occupations”, comments the councilor of Italia viva Lisa Noja. For the PD councilor Carmela Rozza the motion “is from adisarming approximation, a shameful set of botched sentences.” And even if “we do not share Salis’ opinions in any way”, as Pd “we have a clear position: among the squatters Criminals must be evicted and vulnerable people protected. But first of all, in support of the right to housing, the over 19 thousand empty homes in the Lombardy Region must be assigned.”

“We are beyond ridiculousof an affair which sees Ilaria as the object of a sort of aggressive politics”, commented the secretary of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni. “They asked her 90 thousand eurosfor an investigation carried out further ten years ago. There is nothing to prove that that figure exists. But we are faced with an attempt to transform social struggles as a matter of public order, this is not the case. Social struggles, starting with those on the right to live, cannot be reduced to questions of public order”, concluded Fratoianni.

In a post in recent days Salis had discussed the issue of the credit claimed by Aler against him. “I also want to clarify my situation – he explained – As has been widely advertised in the right-wing media, Aler is claiming a credit of 90 thousand from me as ‘indemnity’ for the alleged occupation of a house in via Giosuè Borsi in Milan, based solely on the fact that in 2008 I have been found inside. Although – he continues – in the following sixteen years (!) no further checks were ever carried out to verify my permanence, and no civil or criminal proceedings have ever been initiated against me with respect to that house, Aler accounts for this credit and has no scruples in making it public through the press the day before the elections”.

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