Italy 24 Press News

Strengthening of family counseling centres, FP Cgil requests a meeting with the local health authority

We receive and publish a note from the CGIL Public Function, signed by the provincial secretary Chiara Cleopazzo, on the strengthening of family counseling centers. The union acronym requires a meeting with the leaders of the ASL Brindisi.

The note

In recent years, even after having faced the covid19 pandemic emergency, the awareness of strengthening family counseling centers has become even more consolidated in our area with a view to having an integrated network to protect the health of women, children and Couple and Family.

It is therefore necessary to open a specific focus on Family Counselors with the aim of identifying good practices and suitable organizational models to promote a re-evaluation of their role, starting with the slavish application of law no. 194, compared to the anti-historical decision undertaken by the current government to encourage the presence of anti-abortion associations in counseling centers with the clear ideological aim of attacking women’s freedom of self-determination with respect to motherhood with continuous attempts to blame them.

However, this means that the ASL Brindisi must intervene to address and resolve the situation in which the clinics in our area have found themselves for many years: serious structural insufficiencies and staff shortages.

In many cases, good functioning is entrusted to the professionalism and goodwill of workers who work with exorbitant workloads and believe in public service.

The current socio-economic situation in which our territory finds itself requires a notable commitment from Family Counselors also for the prevention of social alarm phenomena through models of functional integration with other territorial services to create synergistic network work useful for strengthening actions to support of the widespread discomfort present in the area.

Therefore, it is necessary to start from a correct analysis because the needs that prompted the birth of counseling centers almost 50 years ago are still very present, and other needs, due to the social, demographic and cultural changes that have occurred over the years, have been added and they demand the right strengthening.

For these reasons, as we have been claiming for some time, it is necessary to restore to clinics their central role in safeguarding public health, achieving the following objectives:

– Guarantee the essential levels of assistance (Lea), referring to socio-health care for minors, women of all ages, couples, families, and therefore to clinics, with standards and indicators defined to verify compliance with the required obligations , define social Leps without which there can be no true integration.

– Prepare an extraordinary investment plan for all clinics in the Province, to guarantee all the functions and activities assigned to them by law;

– Plan and support targeted hiring plans, referring to the professional figures necessary to guarantee the multidisciplinary teams and all the functions and activities attributed to the consultants including the professional figures necessary to address all issues related to sexual and reproductive health, with a view to inclusion of different gender identities and different sexual orientations, of migrant women, of disabled people;

– Guarantee the correct and free use of contraceptives; Ensure full compliance with law no. 194/1978 and the full implementation of the guidelines of the Ministry of Health on the voluntary termination of pregnancy with a pharmacological method; guarantee to all women, within certain times, the possibility of accessing pharmacological IVG, even on an outpatient basis;

– Intervene to overcome the presence of objectors now and in the future, even in clinics, using all the necessary tools, including through recruitment paths and ad hoc contracts;

– Establish a monitoring table, open to all representative institutional and social levels, on the implementation of the Ministry of Health’s guidelines on the use of pharmacological abortion, as well as on the possible presence of detailed conscientious objector personnel for each hospital facility and every clinic; also for this purpose we ask that anonymity be overcome in the data provided in the annual report for hospitals that have an IVG/gynecologist ratio above the average;

Finally, we believe that the declarations also expressed by the Puglia region of wanting to prevent the presence of anti-abortion associations and movements within the clinics are important and significant

Therefore, we are waiting for the ASL Brindisi to convene – as already underlined – the social partners and the institutions involved to go into the merits of the problems represented with the aim of relaunching and giving a future to the Family Counseling Centres, with a view to enhancing the protection and promotion of health .

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