Italy 24 Press News

IREN – Interest in possible Antitrust surpluses linked to the possible Italgas-2i Rete Gas merger


Interview with executive president Luca Del Fabbro on Il Sole24Ore.

Main ideas. On the Egea operation: “thanks to the actions implemented in recent months, the company is producing better results than expected: if they are confirmed, Iren could consolidate it as early as 2025. All this will strengthen and accelerate Iren’s growth”.

On the focus of the new plan on networks: “we have decided to focus on regulated businesses.

We could look with interest at possible Antitrust surpluses linked to the possible Italgas-2i Rete Gas merger, especially on electricity and water. On Signorini’s dismissal: “with the board’s decision, the company definitively overcomes this matter, the majority shareholders will decide if and when to change the governance again. At the moment the entry of a new CEO is not expected, but it is not unlikely that this will happen in the autumn”.


We remind you that the new 2024-30 plan presented two days by Iren provides for a more selective approach to investments, especially for what…

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