Italy 24 Press News

The Day Center in Colli al Metauro takes shape: the donation of the land has been formalised

FANO – Ethe donation of the land by the company was formalisedAssociations Vivere Sereni at the Carifano Foundation on which it will beto the Day Center was created. The structure, which will ariseto in Via Carbonara, between Villanova and San Liberio in the Municipality of Colli al Metauro will haveto multipurpose functions and sarto mainly used as a place of reception, development of activitiesto of assistance, awareness and integration of the elderly and disabled on approximately 2 and a half hectares. The Foundation, which received thearea taking over the building permit, once the center is completed I will grant itto on loan dfree use allVivere Sereni Association.

In theagreement we have reached with Viveresereni, the same association yes And committed to giving us the land and the building permit free of charge with which we will build this day center worth 1.350 million euros together with the economic contribution of Schnell – underlines the president of the Carifano Foundation Giorgio Gragnola -. This was a fundamental stage of this journey which has the objective of starting the construction site in the second part of 2024 sothe work to be completed by the end of 2025. It is a place where we want to eliminate fragilityto With theaspiration to create a resource for the benefit of families who can receive the support they need.

This And a historic day – observes Luciano Ordonselli, president and founder of theViveresereni Association -. For us this is not And just a formal act, but And the fulfillment of a dream: Viveresereni has always had theambition to be able to carry out this project despite knowing that we do not have the necessary economic strength. We want to promote a new way of thinking about everyday lifeto in a structure, where the person will becometo protagonist of his choices. Between activitiestoeducational workshops and recreational-productive and educational paths will be givento form for total integration.

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