Italy 24 Press News

Maiella Geopark, the UNESCO evaluators arrive. Meeting with the mayors of the Park

The meeting between the mayors of the western side of the Maiella National Park and the two UNESCO evaluators for the revaluation of the Abruzzo Geopark was held this afternoon at the “Brescia” Botanical Garden of Sant’Eufemia a Maiella. A title that must be regained on the pitch, or rather on the territory. The same one that the two UNESCO evaluators, Guillem Puras and Goran Pavic, will visit for four days to issue the quality certificate valid for four years.

The Maiella National Park has also been a UNESCO Geopark since 2021. A title received thanks to the exceptional geological, cultural and landscape value of the area. A quality certification that to date only 10 other geographical areas in Italy can boast.

The evaluators, coming from the Papuk Geopark in Croatia and from the World Unesco Origens in Spain, will be guests of the Park for 4 days and will be guided on a visit to the areas of greatest geological value in a holistic approach that highlights the close link between community and territory.

“The UNESCO recognition has allowed the Maiella National Park to showcase itself even more – underlined the mayor of Sant’Eufemia a Maiella, Francesco Crivelli -. Our strong point? The Fairytale. Here, with stonemasons from all over the world and with the involvement of schools in the region, we used Maiella stone to build the protagonists of Abruzzo’s fairy tales in real size.”

“A memorandum of understanding will be signed between the Abruzzo Region, the Geopark and the chamber of commerce for participation in all tourist fairs,” announced Carlo Tereo De Landerset, manager of the Economic Development and Tourism department of the Abruzzo Region. “Tourism must be the driving force of these internal areas”.

“You can feel the enthusiasm and support there. It is important that it comes from institutions, mayors and regional government for the geopark. The use of the UNESCO logo can support the National Park, create opportunities in trying to combat depopulation in internal areas,” explained Croatian evaluator Goran Pavic.

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