Italy 24 Press News

Bonaccini has the decency to remain silent while packing his bags for Strasbourg

“The money is there and we are talking about really important resources: billions of euros allocated by the Meloni Government within a few months of the flood of May 2023, which allowed a rapid start of public and private reconstruction in Emilia-Romagna, the support of the flood victims and businesses. The documents, the ordinances say it, Commissioner Figliuolo continually confirms it: only the left and the governor Bonaccini on the run in Europe persist in fueling this absurd controversy about the money that isn’t there. It is shameful that the left spends its time spreading fake news instead of securing the area, which is now flooded again with the first rains. Bonaccini, who 12 years after the earthquake in Emilia has not yet completed his work as Commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction, should know well how the Government, by recognizing compensation for movable property, is carrying out an action never done before and which has never been recognized in any natural disaster. At the meeting with Palazzo Chigi, Bonaccini had asked for 100% reimbursements, taking the 2012 earthquake as an example, where movable property was not restored, so the Meloni Government is doing more with respect to that event. Get over it and have the decency to keep quiet while you pack your bags for Strasbourg.”

This was declared by Alice Buonguerrieri, deputy of the Brothers of Italy.

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