Italy 24 Press News

In Brentonico the traditional campsite for student firefighters

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815 fire fighter students, representing 132 Trentino bodies but also 5 groups from Lombardy and Valle d’Aostafollowed tirelessly and patiently by 371 instructors and companions.

It is the important numbers that will characterize the traditional provincial campsite, taking place in Brentonico from 27 to 30 Juneaimed at boys and girls aged between 10 and 18 with a secret dream of wearing a firefighter’s uniform.

Late this morning the Provincial headquarters building hosted the press conference to present the event, now in its 21st edition. The organization is taken care of by the Vallagarina district union.

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«It is our intention to let the students experience four days of healthy fun, based on relationships, group life and growth, both human and technical, all strictly without the use of cell phones», said the inspector of the Vallagarina district union, Alessandro Adami.

That 2024 will also be a green campsite, thanks to the decision to use melamine tableware, as well as water bottles and cutlery, gadgets inherited from previous campsites. The involvement of the Avis group of Rovereto is also of great significance.

«As is known, the world of volunteer firefighters is based on availability, on donating time, energy and knowledge to the community», Adami continued. «We do this at the body and institution level, but on the occasion of the camp we thought we would raise awareness among the kids about the opportunity to help in an individual and exclusive way, by donating their blood.».

The deputy inspector Massimo Ticò instead, he highlighted the great organizational effort put in place by the union, which has been working since January to ensure that everything is perfect, characterized by the establishment of various working groups, each dedicated to a different aspect: from the economic to the logistical part, from maneuvers to excursions.

Representing the Federation of Trentino volunteer firefighters is director Davide Armani. «Year after year, the numbers accompanying the campsite are in strong and constant growth. In the first editions there were just about fifty tents. A growth made possible thanks to the commitment of the district unions, supported in this by the Federation, who have organized the event over the years».

«A campsite with important numbers explained the president of the Province Maurizio FugattiOver a thousand participants are expected, representing the bodies of Trentino, Lombardy and Val d’Aosta. All of them will live together for four days between exercises, ceremonies, some official moments and other lighter ones.

An opportunity for growth, undoubtedly. During the camp, young men and women will be able to learn important values ​​that are part of the fire brigade and of our daily life such as respect for the rules, being together and making themselves available to the community through volunteering, the flagships of the our autonomy.”

The camping program is intensewhich will officially open on Thursday evening. Sunday at 9am, at the sports field in San Giacomo, the awaited maneuvers in which the students will demonstrate their skills.



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