Italy 24 Press News

One of the workers injured in the explosion at Aluminum has died, the company: “Moments of profound sadness, close to the family. We cooperate with the authorities”

BOLZANO. “In this moment of profound sadness, the company and property express their condolences and their participation in the great suffering of their family and colleagues to whom they extend their heartfelt condolences.” These are the words that come, through a note, from Aluminum Bozen the company where Bocar Diallo workedthe 31-year-old Senegalese worker, who died in the last few hours in Verona hospital following the terrible injuries sustained in the explosion that occurred on Friday night (HERE THE ARTICLE).

The company also extends a thought to “all the other workers who remained wounded in the accident, hoping – he explains – that the their conditions improve and that they can recover and overcome this difficult moment. The company is and will be at their side as well as their respective families”.

The factory where the accident occurred was seized and I’m Investigations are underway to try to reconstruct exactly what happened.

“Aluminium Bozen – it is always explained in the note – is cooperating with all the competent authorities to ascertain the causes of an accident as quickly as possible whose tragic consequences have shocked the company and all its collaborators and employees.”

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