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Francesca Chillemi, other than Stefano Rosso: he is in her heart | Smiles and loving looks

Francesca Chillemi and Stefano Rosso – (Instagram photo)

Stefano Rosso is not the person Francesca Chillemi has in her heart. It is “he” who conquered her. The way she looks at him confirms it.

Francesca Chillemi is a well-known Italian model and actress, who has been well present in the world of entertainment for years.

“” reports that he debuted in this world in 2003winning the most famous fashion competition in all of Italy, Miss Italy and which from that moment began to build a new one successful careerwhich has made her the highly appreciated woman of today.

After Miss Italia there are many films and TV series in which he starred. “Carabinieri”, “Sea People”, “I fall from the clouds”, “Anti-Mafia Squad – Palermo today”, “I prefer Paradise” “May God help us”. These are just some of the many, to which we also add “Purple like the sea“, the series which aired on Canale 5 just a few weeks ago and which sees Francesca Chillemi as the protagonist, together with Can Yaman.

Given his long career in cinema and on the small screen, it is inevitable to think of a deep love for acting and film by Francesca Chillemi. But what else is hidden in his heart?

“He” in the heart of Francesca Chillemi

Although in recent days the gossip has focused on Francesca Chillemi’s partner, Stefano Rossogiven theirs alleged crisis, he is not the one the actress keeps in her heart. He’s not even the actor Can Yamangiven that the flirtation between him and Francesca Chillemi has been denied.

But then who is hiding in the heart of the beautiful actress? It seems there is “he“. This is demonstrated by a photo of her that was published some time ago on Instagram by Francesca Chillemi and which portrays her next to “him”, while she looks at him intensely. But here’s who he is.

Francesca Chillemi – (Instagram photo)

Francesca Chillemi conquered by a drink

In reality the one who conquered Francesca Chillemi’s heart is not a person, but something, exactly a drink. It is about theVitasnella water.

It seems that the actress drinks it continuously, because it purifies her body. This is confirmed by a post on Instagram by Francesca Chillemi which reads these words: “I always start the day with Acqua Vitasnella and drink it all day. I take care of my body with Vitasnella, the water that eliminates water. Vitasnella, with less than 0.002% sodium, helps to purify me by eliminating excess liquids and toxins“.

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