Italy 24 Press News

Francolise, car-motorcycle collision: photographer dead

A fatal impact with a car, while he was in his own motorcyclecost the life of yesterday Francesco RussoFrancolise photographer who died following a car accident occurred on the road provincial Sparanise-Mondragone. They were around 1.30pmwhen the man of 54 years oldwhile traveling along the stretch of road that crosses the territory of Sant’Andrea del Pizzone, came across a Grande Punto which, coming from Sparanise, at a certain point turned onto the left side. The collision left no escape for the driver of the motorbike, whose condition immediately appeared to be very serious. Responding to the scene were i 118 health workers who desperately tried to revive him, but all they could do was confirm his death. The body was transported to the Institute of Forensic Medicine ofcivil hospital of Caserta for the autopsy examination, meanwhile, yesterday, the local police closed the road to traffic while the carabinieri of the Francolise station carried out investigations to reconstruct the exact dynamics of the accident. The motorist driving the car, a local resident, was clearly in a state of shock. In Sant’Andrea del Pizzone, Russo was well known and the community was dismayed by his death yesterday.

For decades the man had been a point of reference with his historic photographic studio and, even though he had moved to Sparanise after her wedding, most of her days were spent in her hometown. Yesterday he was headed home for the lunch right after working, on the way back he met his tragic fate. Russian, who everyone knew as “Ciccio ‘o flash”, he leaves behind his wife Loredana and two children, a 24 year old girl and a 14 year old boy. Many friends and relatives mourn his passing who appreciated his smile and generosity during his lifetime. «He was everyone’s friend, an always available person who was part of the most beautiful and significant moments of many families in our community»: the mayor of Francolise outlined his profile, Saturnino Di Benedettowho just last night should have celebrated the recently achieved electoral victory in the square.

«Our community has suffered a very serious loss, all celebrations have obviously been canceled and on the day of the funeral the citizen mourning – added the mayor – Ciccio was a real institution for all of us, we loved him and we will never forget his example of rectitude and honesty.” Just the evening before the accident, the photographer had been in church until late with many young people who had received the sacrament of confirmation. On festive occasions, we turned to him for the albums that remain in the beautiful memories of his life. The tragic end of “Ciccio” unfortunately adds to the long trail of blood of recent weeks. Just two days ago, Naike Nuscher, an 18-year-old girl, lost her life in an accident in Casal di Principe. A week ago a centaur died on the Casilina on the outskirts of Calvi Risorta, a month earlier it had happened to another motorcyclist on the same road, but at Riardo. Also on board a motorbike was the man who died in April in Capua, along the road that leads to San Tammaro.


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