Italy 24 Press News

PNRR, procedural phases ahead of deadlines in the region


“The state of the art of the projects financed under the Pnrr is very good and the aspect relating to timing is equally satisfactory: from an initial analysis it emerges that we are ahead of time in many procedural phases. Applause therefore goes to the managements, the regional decentralization bodies (EDR) and the local authorities who continue to work with great responsibility and competence to ensure that the Pnrr truly becomes an opportunity for growth for our territory which can count on 2 billion and 940 million euros”.

This was stated by the regional councilor for Finance Barbara Zilli, today at the regional headquarters in Udine, during the fourteenth meeting of the control room aimed at taking stock of the state of procedural progress and expenditure of the
investments by the regional Administration on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) and the Complementary National Plan (Pnc).

“From 2025 we will deal with reporting – added Zilli – and it is essential to continue with these meetings which
allow us to coordinate the investments of the Pnrr on the regional territory as well as evaluate the aspects related to the procedures,
to their improvement and streamlining. The control room proves to be an important tool for coordinating and implementing
systemizes investments, giving support to all local entities to ensure that resources are put on the ground
continues according to the pre-established programmes”.

This last aspect emerged during the meeting so much so that the illustration of an initial analysis on the procedural phases of the
investments, updated in June 2024, of the data entered into ReGiS (the single platform through which the administrations
central and peripheral units of the State, local authorities and implementing bodies can carry out a whole series of operations to
comply with the monitoring, reporting and control obligations of the measures and projects financed by the Pnrr) gives
evidence of good compliance with deadlines in the project implementation process.

As noted today, the Pnrr and Pnc financial performance shows a total value of the investments recorded in the balance sheet
regional amounting to 582.6 million and a good value of those committed (79%) equal to 460.8 million and 16% was spent
of the resources committed or 75.2 million.

In the first 6 months of 2024, a milestone achieved (i.e. the qualitative objectives that normally identify key phases
in the implementation of a measure) concerns the completion of investment activities in digital services and citizenship
digital worth over 2 million euros. As regards the targets achieved in the same period, that is
the quantitative objectives measured with indicators, among the most significant are the start of the electrification works of the
dock of Porto Nogaro worth 7.4 million euros and the approval and publication of the related ranking
to the modernization of oil mills financed by the Pnrr for 176 thousand euros.

Still within the agricultural sector, the Region also received 279 applications for contributions on the relevant measure
to the modernization of agricultural machinery, for a total of approximately 6 million euros. The admissibility investigations are
still in progress, the eligible applications will be selected and the project ranking formed by 31 August 2024

In detail, the overall resources assigned to Friuli Venezia Giulia between Pnrr and Fnc (National recovery and resilience plan –
Complementary National Fund) amount to 2 billion 940 million euros and are divided into 6 strategic missions. The allocations concern infrastructure for sustainable mobility (274 million of the Pnrr share and 465 million of the Complementary National Plan share), the green revolution and the ecological transition (728 million of the Pnrr share and 74 million of the Pnc), education and research (524 million Pnrr), digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness and tourism (42 million Pnrr share and 58 million Pnc), inclusion and cohesion (207 million Pnrr and 8 million Pnc), health (236 million and 38 million Pnc ).

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