Italy 24 Press News

Camaldoli fire in Naples, accusations from prosecutors: “Hands on the reclamation funds”

Yes, okay, maybe in a few weeks we will realize that to set fire to some of the Camaldoli it was a good time. Or a careless guy.

Like that guy in a festive mood who a year ago had exaggerated with the fireworks, or some student looking for light-heartedness after the first final exam, or even a couple of lovers looking for intimacy, careless to the point of throwing a still lit cigarette into the undergrowth. Hypotheses are always possible when we talk about fires at the beginning of the summer, but they are not enough to clear the field of the investigative hypotheses being cultivated in these hours in the Prosecutor’s Office.

Yes, because on the latest fire that occurred on the Camaldoli hill, an investigation file was opened at the top levels of the Neapolitan investigative office. Spotlight on the emergency economy, starting from the business of removing special debris after a fire; the game linked to seasonal workers and the interests of joint companies that intervene in the redevelopment and definition works of drainage channels, in the aftermath of a disastrous event such as the fire of these hours.


Arson hypothesis, the pool investigating crimes against the environment and territory is at work, under the coordination of the deputy prosecutor Antonio Ricci. Checks underway, close liaison with the forestry police, there are a couple of points that emerged from the very first investigations: the date and point of the trigger. Space and time, two sides of the same coin. The little hand that started the fire did so by studying the moves well, thinking about the trajectory of its action and, in particular, about the timing.

In summary, the arsonists acted on a day marked in red, the first heat alert day of the summer, in the hours of scorching heat, knowing they could count on the surprise effect, but also to be able to cash in: obtaining the maximum result, regarding the possible damage, given the very hot conditions and a thin breeze that contributed to spreading the flames during the night.


Forestry police at work, there is a first note: the trigger for the fire was found in an area of ​​public land, on the ridge close to the western area of ​​Naples. The flames did not hit plots of private land, but instead touched some electricity pylons. A plan that seems to have been studied on the drawing board, in a plot that has already been seen.

The emergency car is in motion. Or rather: the emergency economy machine, which quickly releases public money. Once the flames are put out, the debris will need to be removed. Free (or create from scratch) the drainage channels, those that are used to drain rainwater on the darkest days; then it will be necessary to start a plan to redevelop and make the area safe.

An entire economic world is revitalized, moreover with the emergency procedure. Procurement and assignments, assignment of tasks and organization of task forces will follow. All in the space of a few days, at least for the entire duration of the summer. This is the background on which the investigators of the Naples Prosecutor’s Office, led by the prosecutor, work Nicola Gratteri, whose land of origin – we are talking about the wonderful Calabria – is crossed every year by malicious fires.


It goes without saying that the entire Camaldoli area is being crossed by law enforcement in recent hours, in an attempt to recover elements capable of limiting any responsibilities. A year ago a fire consumed a piece of hillside, but – at least on that occasion – everything was traced back to the responsibility of a restaurateur who had put on a fireworks display for the guests of his restaurant. The banality of evil, if we think of the damage caused to the territory. In previous years, the Vesuvian side was targeted. Even in this case, accidental episodes give way to a systemic investigation. The objective is clear: we are aiming for those who unlock public money, thanks to the emergency economy, from those who are waiting for the right moment to wear the uniform of (fake) sentries of the territory.


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