Italy 24 Press News

Udinese, who will be the attacking duo next season?

The arrival of Runjaic could bring some news in terms of interpreters in his 3-5-2. With a midfield yet to be defined, the only department in the squad that offers various combinations is the offensive one. With the ransom of Lucca from Pisa, the Juventus team has secured the performance of its best scorer from last season, but the doubt that arises is: Who will play next to him?

In fact, by the start of the 2023/24 championship the doubts had been resolved by the pairing Lucca-Thauvin, the Frenchman’s injury showed that there is no designated replacement for the former Marseille player in the squad. Various teammates from the department came to support number 17, but they have never had enough impact to be considered irreplaceable. With the options that Runjaic now has at his disposal, it would be logical to propose the physical-technical combination again, with the first interpreter who naturally should be Lucca, while for the second casting are still open.

In case of redemption of Davis one could trust the man who brought salvation to the Friulians, but if this did not happen a re-proposal of Brenner it would become obvious. In fact, the Brazilian has not shown the qualities that made him arrive in Udine for 13 million, and therefore the first part of next season would be enough to understand whether the number 22 is indispensable for the squad. Another choice could be the return of Thauvin together with Lucca, but the passage of time for the Frenchman is showing its most negative signs, namely repeated injuries. On Deulofeu a separate chapter could be opened, but in any case his reinstatement into the squad would be fundamental to raising the tactical bar of the team. Last, but not least, would be the track Successwho however has already shown how the ownership of the Nigerian would be complementary to that of Lucca. In short, there are many options and the market still opens up to new possibilities, which will be tested in team retreat in Austria in July.

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