the farm worker could have been saved

the farm worker could have been saved
the farm worker could have been saved

«Today, the military personnel of the Carabinieri Company of Latina have executed the precautionary custody order issued by the investigating judge of the Court of Latina, which ordered the prison custody measure against the owner of the company for which the victim worked – Antonello Lovato, whose name has already been made public by the media – for the crime of wilful homicide against the worker Singh Satnam».

Thus the Latina Public Prosecutor’s Office announced the breakthrough in the investigation into the death of Satnam Singh, the Indian laborer who died after a dramatic accident at work in which he lost an arm and after being abandoned in front of his home instead of being taken to hospital.

Gangmastering in the countryside of Abruzzo, after the case of Satnam Singh the first complaints are filed

«Based on the findings of the forensic medical consultancy, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Latina has changed the crime hypothesis initially configured (culpable homicide) and has contested the crime of wilful homicide with eventual intent» explains the head of the magistrates of via Ezio, the prosecutor Giuseppe De Falco.

«The medical-legal consultancy has ascertained that if the Indian, who died from copious blood loss, had been promptly assisted, he would most likely have been saved».

The tragedy of Satnam Singh has shocked public opinion and mobilized the trade unions that protect farm workers. “The worker’s conditions after the accident were so serious that it was clear that he needed prompt assistance,” the Prosecutor’s Office explains. “At this stage, it must therefore be considered that the decision to fail to provide the necessary assistance constituted acceptance of the risk of the lethal event and constituted the cause that directly determined the death.”

But the case is not closed. “The investigations – explains the note – continue with reference to the crime in question and other related crimes, with specific regard to the verification of working conditions. It is worth pointing out that, since the proceedings are in the preliminary investigation phase, the presumption of innocence of the person under investigation must be safeguarded”.


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