Italy 24 Press News

Petrol still increasing, exceeding 2 euros per litre

When it comes to fuel price, there is not a moment’s respite. The situation is in constant update and, according to the averages of recent years, the news has not been positive for consumers for some time now.

When the average price drops, it does not guarantee real relief, considering the previous outsized increase. This is exactly what is happening now, with levels revised upwards again. Here you are how much does a full tank cost today.

How much does a full tank cost?

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s youthful dream of giving battle against excise duties it remained just that, a dream. The current system does not change and owning a car is increasingly a luxury, which many Italians struggle to afford.

For many, however, it is a need that cannot be renounced. This is evident in a system like the Italian one, which struggles to guarantee a full right to smart workingwhere possible, and a competitive alternative through i public transport.

Over the last few weeks we have witnessed slight fluctuations, partly downwards. A situation that quickly returned to the same wasteful tracks that we have been experiencing since February 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine.

According to survey proposed by Daily Relay, there is an increase in the national averages of prices charged at the pump. Prices of refined products in the Mediterranean are still revised upwards and, according to what is recommended, Q8 and Tamoil have increased by a cent per litre their own rates.

Based on what was found on approximately 18 thousand plants, it was possible to trace the average prices charged (communicated to the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy by the managers of the Price Observatory):

  • self-service petrol at 1.852 euros/litre (+1 thousandth, companies 1.858, white pumps 1.840);
  • self-service diesel at 1.717 euros/litre (+5, companies 1.725, white pumps 1.702);
  • petrol served at 1.993 euros/litre (+1, companies 2.035, white pumps 1.908);
  • diesel served at 1.859 euros/litre (+5, companies 1.904, white pumps 1.770).

Let’s see what the current situation is regarding “alternative fuels”:

  • lpg servicewent to 0.707 euro/litre (unchanged, companies 0.717, white pumps 0.695);
  • methane served at 1.325 euro/kg (-1, companies 1.341, white pumps 1.312);
  • LNG 1.205 euro/kg (-1, companies 1.203 euro/kg, white pumps 1.207 euro/kg).

The prices indicated above are those in the city, self-service and self-service. However, what happens on the motorway, as usual, is much more alarming:

  • self-service petrol 1.946 euros/litre (served 2.207);
  • self-service diesel 1.835 euros/litre (served 2.102);
  • gpl 0.844 euros/litre;
  • methane 1,447 euros/kg;
  • LNG 1,257 euros/kg.

Taking into account the worst possible condition, i.e. a full of petrol served on the highwayanyone who owns one Fiat Panda he would end up spending 66 euros (around 56 euros at the self-service in the city, around 94 euros at the self-service on the motorway). Remaining in the Fiat context, a full tank of petrol is served on the motorway for one 500X would require instead 106 euros (around 89 euros at the self-service in the city, around 94 euros at the self-service on the motorway).

Anyone who, for work reasons, is forced to fill up a tank of petrol per week, in order to reach their workplace and return home in the evening, will see a reduction in their salary from 264 to 424 euros (motorway served) or from 224 to 356 euros (self-service city). The full representation of the idea of ​​working to earn enough to afford gas to go to work.

The situation in Europe

Below is a diagram to highlight the situation in Europe. A useful comparison to realize the heavy burden of the current crisis on the pockets of Italians.

Village Gas Diesel
Austria 1,587 euros/l 1,564 euros/l
Belgium 1,661 euros/l 1.682 euros/l
Bulgaria 1,333 euros/l 1,307 euros/l
Cyprus 1,518 euros/l 1,536 euros/l
Croatia 1,530 euros/l 1.535 euros/l
Denmark 2.006 euros/l 1,680 euros/l
Estonia 1.757 euros/l 1,557 euros/l
Finland 1.814 euros/l 1,704 euros/l
France 1,843 euros/l 1.674 euros/l
Village Gas Diesel
Germany 1.816 euros/l 1.625 euros/l
Greece 1.875 euros/l 1,609 euros/l
Ireland 1,794 euros/l 1,706 euros/l
Latvia 1,661 euros/l 1,561 euros/l
Lithuania 1,450 euros/l 1,409 euros/l
Luxembourg 1,559 euros/l 1,442 euros/l
Malta 1,340 euros/l 1,210 euros/l
Holland 1.981 euros/l 1.682 euros/l
Poland 1,503 euros/l 1,502 euros/l
Village Gas Diesel
Portugal 1,702 euros/l 1,523 euros/l
Czech Republic 1,539 euros/l 1,694 euros/l
Romania 1,409 euros/l 1,412 euros/l
Slovakia 1.577 euros/l 1.472 euros/l
Slovenia 1,497 euros/l 1,482 euros/l
Spain 1,624 euros/l 1,457 euros/l
Sweden 1,598 euros/l 1,549 euros/l
Hungary 1,490 euros/l 1,509 euros/l
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