Italy 24 Press News

Anna Giugliano died at the age of 28 after a weight loss operation, still under investigation for manslaughter

The Milan investigating judge has ordered another three months of investigations to shed light on the death of Anna Giugliano. The 28-year-old died on March 21, 2023, a few days after weight reduction surgery at the Humanitas clinic in Rozzano.

Anna Giugliano

Must investigate further on the death of Anna Giugliano. This was decided by the investigating judge of the Court of Milan who accepted the request made by the family of the 28-year-old who died on 21 March 2023 in the Humanitas clinical institute in Rozzano (in the Metropolitan City of Milan). Less than two weeks earlier, Giugliano had undergone a procedure at that same clinic weight reduction surgery. Now the Prosecutor’s Office has three months time to hear other witnesses and to analyze the 28-year-old’s cell phone to get a picture of the girl’s state of health between the day of the operation and the day of her death.

The intervention in the clinic and the death of Anna Giugliano

On 8 March 2023 Giugliano underwent an operation in the Rozzano clinic which, through bariatric surgery, it would reduce her weight. Ten days later, on March 19, the 28-year-old returned to that same institution complaining of severe abdominal pain and high fever: she had such widespread septicemia that three operations were not enough to save her. After two days of hospitalization, Giugliano died.

According to what emerged during the autopsy, the stitches that had been placed in the girl’s stomach had failed. This caused the internal infection that led to her death. The Milan Prosecutor’s Office had opened a case for manslaughter in which the doctor who had operated on her and the colleague who had followed the post-surgery were investigated.

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The opposition to the dismissal and the new investigations

Last April, prosecutor Valentina Mondovì asked for the case to be dismissed. According to the magistrate, “the results of the preliminary investigations do not allow us to formulate a reasonable prediction of conviction of the suspects, nor are there any conditions for carrying out further investigations”. The consultants of the Prosecutor’s Office, in fact, have ascertained that the operation had been performed according to the guidelines and with the right technical methods and the 28-year-old was discharged in “stable” conditions. Everything that would happen to her next, “it was not predictable“.

The Giugliano family, however, opposed the request, arguing, in particular, that the 28-year-old it had not been followed correctly after the operation. The investigating judge. of Milan has therefore decided to give the Prosecutor’s Office another three months to hear from a Humanitas worker, his mother and sister of the 28 year old and to make a series of analysis on your cell phone.

The objective of the new investigations will be to understand what information had been given to Giugliano regarding the possible complications in the postoperative phase. Furthermore, it will be necessary to understand when the two doctors under investigation had been made aware of the pain accused by the 28-year-old and which she had already noted on some sheets since March 15th.

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