Italy 24 Press News

Another car on fire: “The checks will increase”

After a ten-day break, the Lugo arsonist struck again. He did it between Tuesday and Wednesday, shortly after 1 am, always within the preferred area, that of Lugo Est, returning to exactly the same point from which, about two weeks ago – between 5 and 6 June – everything started, namely the parking lot in Piazzale Tiziano. This time, however, it was only one car that burned and not four, as in the first and second episodes, in Piazzale Tiziano and in Vicolo Giaccari. And not two as in the third, in via Macello Vecchio, the penultimate of the fires that broke out in the middle of the call to the polls, on the night between Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June. Other details also differ from previous episodes. No barriers to delimit the stall affected by the fire, for example, nor the presence of the car, taken away in record time, to the point that, during the morning, another vehicle was already parked on the residue left on the ground by the flames. However, the strong smell of burning that permeated the air still testified that something had happened there. Adding the result of all four episodes, the cars destroyed so far are 11. The malicious nature now seems confirmed. However, hypotheses continue to be produced regarding the alleged identity of the author. Having left aside the idea, which developed among the people of Lugo, that the fires were to be attributed to some extremist to influence the vote, given the concomitance with the end of the electoral campaign, what has now resurfaced is the possibility that it was a an arsonist. The police forces also think so and have already traced a profile of the author, with the support of their national databases.

At the moment it seems that possible motives such as revenge or score settling must also be excluded but not the possibility that emulators may be alongside the first author. Yesterday morning, the mayor Elena Zannoni shared with the prefect of Ravenna Castrese De Rosa her concern about the recurrence of the episodes. “The prefect guaranteed that he will further strengthen the control of the territory and the devices already in place – underlines Zannoni – and reported that he had immediately included the issue on the agenda of the next table for order and security of the Province of Ravenna , the highest coordination and control body in the area in which all law enforcement agencies participate, which will be held this week. We believe that these are not episodes of organized crime but the crazy act of a single arsonist, no less serious for this. We place absolute trust in the police who are working to stop him as soon as possible and we also invite citizens who have seen or heard something to report it in support of the investigations.”

Monia Savioli

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