Teatro delle Ariette brings the flood of Via Marzatore to the square

Teatro delle Ariette brings the flood of Via Marzatore to the square
Teatro delle Ariette brings the flood of Via Marzatore to the square

It is not a theatrical show that tonight, in the square of Monteveglio at 9 pm, kicks off the tenth edition of the community theater project entitled: Territori da Vestiti, conceived and created by the Teatro delle Ariette, with clear reference to the five former municipalities merged into the new municipality of Valsamoggia. The tenth anniversary edition had to deal with the downpour of the evening and night of last May 20 when a ‘bomb’ of water was discharged on the hilly area between Bazzano and Monteveglio. A peak of over 120 millimeters of rainwater fell at high intensity on a limited territory, with its epicenter in the narrow valley of Rio Marzatore, where the greatest damage and risks were recorded.

The fury of the flood that was discharged at the mouth of the provincial road dragged trees and mud, but also cars in transit with two motorists overturned and trapped in the passenger compartment saved in extremis by the intervention of the Fire Brigade. And it is precisely in via Marzatore that the company founded and managed by Paola Berselli and Stefano Pasquini is based, which like hundreds of families and economic activities has suffered material damage and the destabilizing effects of the fragility experienced under the fury of the elements. It had already happened a year earlier and another replica was feared also between 24 and 25 June, when intense and concentrated rainfall caused a wave of flooding on the upper course of the Samoggia, with landslides, mudslides, interruptions of services and closures of via Serretti, Gardelline and Segaticcio (all in Savigno), the closure of the second bridge of Savigno and of via Pravazzano, in Monteveglio. Therefore, themes and experiences have been added that will be told in the square today. A week after these events, the new mayor Milena Zanna clarifies that the situation is resolved in Pravazzano and Serretti streets, both reopened in the hours immediately following. However, in Savigno, traffic remains interrupted on the second bridge (under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan City) and on Gardelline and Segaticcio streets.

“For the two roads, the process has already begun to proceed with the works that are expected to be shorter for Gardelline and longer for Segaticcio. We will work with all the entities involved to intervene as promptly as possible”, promises Zanna.

Gabriel Mignardi

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